Deny Thy Father

aus Memory Alpha, der freien deutschen Star-Trek-Datenbank
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Der Konflikt zwischen Cardassianern und Klingonen, später als Betreka-Nebel-Zwischenfall bezeichnet, beeinflusst die Beziehungen der galaktischen Großmächte.



Vom Umschlagtext:

Two men. Both defined by the personal tragedy that drove them apart. Both driven by their desire to serve, and their devotion to duty. Both haunted by the past, and uncertain future… And both unable to reach across the chasm that separates father and son.

In the wake of the Tholian attack that nearly cost him his life, civilian strategic consultant Kyle Riker becomes the target of an apparent conspiracy within Starfleet Command, forcing him off Earth and beyond Federation territory to evade the attempts on his life. But danger is never far off, even on a backwater world where Kyle's very name brings the promise of death.

At the same time, the Starfleet career of Kyle's estranged son William T. Riker is under way in earnest, from his turbulent formative years at the Academy to his first perilous missions as an ensign aboard the Starship Pegasus. And even as Kyle searches for the truth behind the events that have made him a fugitive, Will is pursued as well – by a family legacy he fears he will never escape


Hier fehlt eine Inhaltsangabe. Zögere nicht und trage eine kurze Zusammenfassung, den Buchrückentext und/oder eine ausführliche Handlungsbeschreibung des Romans / Comics / Referenzwerkes nach.


Das Cover wurde von John Vairo, Jr. gestaltet.

Der Titel bezieht sic auf ein Zitat aus Romeo und Julia; Deny thy father and refuse thy name

Links und Verweise


Amerikanischer Bürgerkrieg, Schlacht von Pine Mountain
Institutionen & Großmächte
Föderation, Sternenflotte, Tholianische Versammlung, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Spezies & Lebensformen
Rigelianer, Romulaner, Saurianer
Boothby, Curzon Dax, Katherine Janeway, Geordi La Forge, Owen Paris, Jean-Luc Picard, Erik Pressman, Katherine Pulaski, Kyle Riker, William Thomas Riker, Benjamin Sisko, Jake Sisko, Jennifer Sisko, Spock
Schiffe & Stationen
USS Al-Batani, USS Enterprise (NCC-1701), USS Stargazer (NCC-2893), USS Zhukov
Astronomische Objekte
Quazulu VIII, Taurus II, Venus
Wissenschaft & Technik
Dilithium, VISOR

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