A Good Day to Die

aus Memory Alpha, der freien deutschen Star-Trek-Datenbank
Version vom 30. April 2024, 20:45 Uhr von Legat Garak (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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Dieser Roman behandelt die Reise der IKS Gorkon in das Gebiet der Kinder von San-Tarah.



Vom Umschlagtext:

These are the voyages of the Klingon Defense Force vessel IKS Gorkon, part of the mighty new Chancellor-class. Its mission: to explore strange new worlds... to seek out new life and new civilizations...

...and to conquer them for the greater glory of the Klingon Empire!

Newly inducted into the prestigious Order of the Bat'leth, Captain Klag, son of M'Raq, leads the crew of the Gorkon into the unexplored Kavrot Sector to find new planets on which to plant the Klingon flag. There, they discover the Children of San-Tarah, a species with a warrior culture that rivals – and perhaps exceeds – the Klingons' own, living on a planet that would be a great addition to the Empire. Klag could call in General Talak's fleet to bring the world under the Klingons' heel – but the San-Tarah offer Klag a challenge he cannot refuse. The Gorkon crew and the San-Tarah will engage in several martial contests. If the Klingons lose, they will go and never trouble the planet again – but if they are victorious, the San-Tarah will cede themselves to the Empire, and Klag will have singlehandedly conquered an entire world!

The first tale in a glorious adventure that will be remembered in song and story throughout the Empire!


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Dominion-Krieg, Klingonischer Bürgerkrieg
Institutionen & Großmächte
Dominion, Klingonischer Hoher Rat, Klingonisches Reich, Klingonische Verteidigungsstreitmacht, Orden des Bat'leth, Überwacher des Nachfolgeritus
Spezies & Lebensformen
Hur'q, Jem'Hadar, Klingonen
B'Oraqβ, Damar, Drex, Duras, Klag, Kornan, K'Tal, Lokorβ, Lukara, Martok, Martok, Morrβ, Jean-Luc Picard, Rodek, Leskit, William Shakespeare, Toq, Worf
Schiffe & Stationen
IKS Gorkonβ, IKS Ning'tao, IKS Pagh
Ketha-Flachland, Kri'stak-Vulkan
Astronomische Objekte
Chin'toka-System, Narendra III, Ty'Gokor
Wissenschaft & Technik
Bat'leth, D'k tahg, Ketracel-White