Small World
Eine E-Book-Kurzgeschichte.
- Vom Umschlagtext:
The da Vinci's latest mission involves bringing precious cargo to the Mu Arae system – an entire world that, through a miraculous feat of engineering, is being stored in a small, pyramid-shaped box. Unfortunately, a hostile species wants the pyramid – and its amazing technology – for itself, and won't hesitate to go through the da Vinci to get it.
To make matters worse, the caretaker of the world is in critical condition in sickbay. The S.C.E. must figure out the secret of the planet-in-a-box before it's destroyed!
Die Kurzgeschichte ist auch im Sammelband Creative Couplings enthalten.
Links und Verweise[Bearbeiten]
Sonstige Verweise[Bearbeiten]
- Spezies & Lebensformen
- Bajoraner, Betazoid, Breen, Bynar, Klingone, Menschen, Romulaner, Tellarit, Tribble, Vulkanier
- Kultur & Religion
- Var'hama-Kerze
- Personen
- Carol Abramowiczβ, Araneusβ, Martina Barreβ, Cade Bennettβ, P8 Blueβ, Kenneth Caitanoβ, Coleefβ, Nancy Conlonβ, Domenica Corsiβ, Dantas Falcaoβ, Bart Faulwellβ, David Goldβ, Sonya Gomez, Vance Hawkinsβ, Susan Haznedlβ, Rennan Konyaβ, Alexandre Lamdinβ, Lauoc Soanβ, Elizabeth Lense, Maleirasβ, Michael McAvennieβ, Cody Muiβ, Narjamβ, Brenda Phelpsβ, Joanne Piotrowskiβ, Laura Poynterβ, Rizzβ, Madeline Robinsβ, Robin Rusconiβ, Bob Saffordβ, Saldokβ, Montgomery Scott, Sesslomβ, Anthony Shabalalaβ, Sicariosβ, Kari Spadaβ, Spock, Fabian Stevensβ, Mor glasch Tevβ, Eric Theriaultβ, T'Mandraβ, T'Nelβ, Christopher Turpinβ, Makk Vinxβ, Sandy Wetzelβ, Winn Maraβ, Songmin Wongβ
- Schiffe & Stationen
- USS da Vinciβ, USS Defiant (NX-74205), USS Enterprise (NCC-1701), Justice Makerβ, Lycosaβ, Starlit Wingβ
- Astronomische Objekte
- Erde, Typhon-Ausdehnung
- Wissenschaft & Technik
- Transporter, Tricorder, Turbolift