Alle Artikel
- Charta der Föderation
- Charta der Sternenflotte
- Charta der Vereinigten Föderation der Planeten
- Charting the Undiscovered Country: The Making of Trek VI
- Charybdis
- Chase Hoyt
- Chase Kim
- Chase Masterson
- Chateaubriand
- Chatkin Point
- Chaya VII
- Che Guevara
- Chech'tluth
- Check-up
- Checkliste
- Checkpoint
- Cheeseburger
- Cheeseium
- Chef
- Chef der Einsatzplanung
- Chef der Medizin
- Chef der Sternenflottenoperationen
- Chefarzt
- Chefermittler
- Chefingenieur
- Chefkoch
- Cheforganisator
- Chekote
- Chekov
- Chekov's Enterprise
- Chekov-Typ
- Chell
- Chellick
- Chelsea Bond
- ChemTech Industries
- Chemie
- Chemielabor
- Chemikalie
- Chemotherapie
- Chenari
- Cheney
- Chenza
- Cherel-Sauce
- Cheri Isabella
- Cheron
- Cheryl Eckelberry
- Cheryl G. Raymond
- Cheryl Gates Raymond
- Cheryl Gluckstern (Sternenflotte)
- Cheryl Wheeler Duncan
- Ches'sarro Seeto
- Chess-Wilson
- Chessu
- Chester
- Chester (Name)
- Chester E. Tripp III
- Chevrolet
- Chevrolet Astro
- Chevrolet C/K
- Chevrolet Caprice
- Chevrolet Fleetline De Luxe
- Cheyenne
- Cheyenne-Klasse
- Chez Sandrine
- Chez Zimmerman
- Chi 14
- Chicago
- Chicago Cubs
- Chicago – Bandenwesen 1920
- Chick Hearn Court
- Chico
- Chief
- Chief's Special
- Chief Petty Officer
- Chief of Operations
- Chiefly Moulding
- Chiefowitz
- Chiffon
- Chile
- Chilenischer Seebarsch
- Chili
- Chili-Burrito
- Chiliburger
- Chimera-Klasse
- Chin'toka
- Chin'toka-System
- China
- Chinese
- Chinesische Fingerfalle
- Chinesische Mauer
- Chinesischer Drache
- Chinesisches Essen
- Chip
- Chip (Kasino)
- Chip Chalmers (Captain)
- Chip Heller
- Chip Lucia
- Chip Mayer
- Chiraltan-Tee
- Chirurg
- Chirurgie
- Chirurgischer Rahmen
- Chloe O'Shannon
- Chlor
- Chloraxin
- Chlorinid
- Chlormethan
- Chlorobikrobe
- Chloromydrid
- Chlorophyll
- Chloroplast
- Chocolate Passion Punch
- Choke
- Chokuzaner
- Chokuzanisches Raumschiff
- Cholinpräparat
- Chondrit
- Choose Your Pain
- Chopin
- Chorgan
- Choriozythose
- Chow-Yun
- Chris Black
- Chris Covics
- Chris Demetral
- Chris Doyle
- Chris Freeman
- Chris Hemsworth
- Chris Krosskove (Sternenflotte)
- Chris Latta
- Chris Nelson Norris
- Chris O'Bray
- Chris Obi
- Chris Palm
- Chris Payne Raymond
- Chris Pike
- Chris Pine
- Chris Sarandon
- Chris Tezber Raymond
- Chris Torres
- Chris Violette
- Chris Wynne
- Christ
- Christ Cathedral
- Christa McAuliffe
- Christchurch
- Christel Merian
- Christentum
- Christian Bey
- Christian Claaszen
- Christian Gaul
- Christian Holdt
- Christian Humberg
- Christian Marschall
- Christian Mey
- Christian Olsen
- Christian Patrick
- Christian R. Conrad
- Christian Rode
- Christian Schult
- Christian Slater
- Christian Sloan
- Christian Toberentz
- Christian Tramitz
- Christian Weygand
- Christian Wolff
- Christie Golden
- Christie Haydon
- Christin Marquitan
- Christina
- Christina Carmel
- Christina Wegler Miles
- Christina Wöllner
- Christine Artecona
- Christine Chapel
- Christine Chapel (Neue Zeitlinie)
- Christine Delgado
- Christine Gerlach
- Christine Harnos
- Christine Healy
- Christine Jansen
- Christine Romeo
- Christoph Banken
- Christoph Jablonka
- Christoph Kolumbus
- Christoph Lindert
- Christoph Piesk
- Christopher
- Christopher-Pike-Tapferkeitsorden
- Christopher Aguilar
- Christopher Brynner
- Christopher Carroll
- Christopher Collins
- Christopher Curry
- Christopher Darga
- Christopher Doohan
- Christopher Doyle
- Christopher Goodman
- Christopher Held
- Christopher Hobson
- Christopher J. Marcinko
- Christopher James Miller
- Christopher Jewett
- Christopher Kolumbus
- Christopher L. Bennett
- Christopher Leps
- Christopher Liam Moore
- Christopher Lloyd
- Christopher McDonald
- Christopher Michael
- Christopher Neame
- Christopher Neiman
- Christopher Pettiet
- Christopher Pike
- Christopher Pike (Hologramm)
- Christopher Pike (Neue Zeitlinie)
- Christopher Pike (Spiegeluniversum)
- Christopher Plummer
- Christopher Russell
- Christopher Rydell
- Christopher Sarion
- Christopher Shea
- Christopher Whitelaw Pine
- Christy Henshaw
- Chrom
- Chromodynamisches Licht
- Chromoelektrischer Impuls
- Chromoelektrisches Feld
- Chromolinguistik
- Chromosom
- Chromovirale Infektion
- Chrondit
- Chronexalin
- Chronik
- Chronister
- Chronister II
- Chroniton
- Chronitonenfluss
- Chronitonengenerator
- Chronitonenstrahlung
- Chronitonfeld
- Chronitonpartikel
- Chronitonstrahlung
- Chrono-Deflektor
- Chronodeflektor
- Chronografischer Sequenzer
- Chronokinetische Welle
- Chronometer
- Chronometrischer Knoten
- Chronometrisches Partikel
- Chronoton
- Chronoton-Strahlung
- Chronoton-Torpedo
- Chronotonenfluss
- Chronotonpartikel
- Chronotonphalanx
- Chronotonstrahl
- Chronotonstrahlung
- Chronotontorpedo
- Chronowerx
- Chrysalianer
- Chrysantheme
- Chrysimit
- Chrysler 300
- Chrysler 300 C
- Chu'lak
- Chu'vok
- Chuck Hicks
- Chuck Magnus
- Chuck Yeager
- Chuft-Captain
- Chula
- Chula - Das Spiel
- Chula – Das Spiel
- Chulak
- Château Cleon
- Château Coeur
- Château Lafite-Rothschild
- Château Mouton-Rothschild
- Château Picard (Wein)
- Château d'Yquem
- Cicero
- Cill Dalua
- Cimi
- Cindy Howe
- Cindy Katz
- Cindy Sorenson
- Cine-Adaption
- Cing'ta
- Ciona intestinal
- Circassianische Feige
- Circassianische Katze
- Cirroc Lofton
- Cirrus IV
- Citadel Press
- Citroën 2CV Charleston
- Clabber Girl
- Claire Rankin
- Clampett
- Clan
- Clan der Torothaner
- Clancey
- Clancy
- Clancy Brown
- Clankriege
- Clara Bryant
- Clara Sutter
- Clare
- Clare McConnell
- Clare Raymond
- Clarence Williams III
- Clarius-System
- Clark Gable
- Clark Terrell
- Clark Tucker
- Clarke
- Clarke-Syndrom
- Clarus
- Clarus-System
- Classic Serie (Heyne)
- Claude
- Claude Monet
- Claudette Nevins
- Claudette Sutherland
- Claudia Hansen
- Claudia J. Craig
- Claudia Kern
- Claudia Lehmann
- Claudia Lössl
- Claudia Urbschat-Mingues
- Claudia Walter
- Claudia Wipplinger
- Claudius Marcus
- Claudius Marcus (Gladiator)
- Claudius Marcus (Prokonsul)
- Claudius von Zolkov
- Claus-Peter Damitz
- Claus Brockmeyer
- Claus Jurichs
- Claus Ringer
- Claus Wilcke
- Clavisoabeere
- Clay Stanton
- Clay Wilcox
- Claymare