Night of the Wolves
Dieser Roman behandelt den Beginn der Cardassianischen Besatzung von Bajor zwischen 2345 und 2357.
- Vom Umschlagtext:
Eighteen years into the Occupation, a new star rises in Bajor's sky. It is the seat of power in this system, a place of slave labor and harsh summary judgments, the symbol of Cardassian might and the futility of resisting it. But even as the gray metal crown of Terok Nor ascends to its zenith, ragtag pockets of Bajoran rebels – including a fierce young fighter named Kira Nerys – have begun to strike back at their world's oppressors, and they intend to show the Cardassians that the night belongs to them.
Das Cover wurde von John Picardo gestaltet und von Alan Dingman designt.
Links und Verweise[Bearbeiten]
- Institutionen & Großmächte
- Cardassianische Union
- Spezies & Lebensformen
- Bajoraner, Cardassianer
- Personen
- Basso Tromac, Corat Damar, Darhe'el, Skrain Dukat, Furel, Gantt, Danig Kell, Keeve Falor, Kira Meru, Kira Nerys, Kira Pohl, Kira Reon, Kira Taban, Kubus Oak, Natima Lang, Lenaris Holem, Luma Rahl, Lupaza, Aamin Marritza, Mobara, Mora Pol, Crell Moset, Malyn Ocett, Opaka Sulan, Ornak, Kotan Pa'Dar, Porta, Ro Gale, Ro Laren, Shakaar Edon, Tora Naprem, Enabran Tain, Thrax, Trakor, Winn Adami
- Astronomische Objekte
- Bajor