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Adam singt Hey, Out There!

Hey, Out There! ist ein Lied aus dem 23. Jahrhundert.

2269 singt Adam dieses Lied bei einem Konzert auf der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701). (TOS: Die Reise nach Eden)


I'm talking 'bout you
I'm talking 'bout me
Long time back when the galaxy was new
Man found out what he had to do
Found he had to eat and he found he had to drink
And a long time later he found he had to think
Uh huh
Yes, think
I'm standing here wondering
If a man tells another man out of my way
He piles up trouble for himself all day
But all kinds of trouble come to an end
When a man tells another man be my friend
Uh huh
My friend
Well, what's it going to be?
There's a mile wide emptiness between you and me
Can't reach across it, hardly even see
Someone ought to take a step one way or other
Let's say goodbye or let's say brother
Hey out there
Hey out there
Hey out there
Hey out there
I see you
I see you
I see you
I see you
Let's get together and have some fun
I don't know how to do it, but it's got to be done


Das Lied wurde von Charles Napier, Arthur Heinemann und Craig Robertson geschrieben und unter der Leitung von Wilbur Hatch aufgezeichnet. Napier singt das Lied, Clark E. Spangler spielt Orgel, John Caleffie und William K. Pittman Gitarre und Larry Bunker Percussion. Es wurde am 20. November 1968 aufgenommen. (Star Trek: The Original Series Soundtrack Collection [1]; These Are the Voyages: TOS Season Three, S. 555)
