"Hailing frequencies open": Communication in Star Trek: The Next Generation

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"Hailing frequencies open": Communication in Star Trek: The Next Generation ist ein Referenzwerk, das sich mit Raumschiff Enterprise: Das nächste Jahrhundert beschäftigt.


Vom Umschlagtext:

Star Trek: The Next Generation blended speculative science fiction and space opera in its portrayal of communication. This book proposes that these patterns of communication reveal a foundational philosophy of Star Trek that informs the series as a whole while also enticing millions of viewers.Star Trek: The Next Generation blended speculative science fiction and space opera in its portrayal of communication. Multiple modes of communication used between characters are presented and the multilevel tapestry of communication in the series is critical in its appeal.

This book proposes that these patterns of communication reveal a foundational philosophy of Star Trek (while enticing millions of viewers). These patterns serve both to cause strong empathetic connections with characters and to impel viewers to form relationships with the show, explaining their extreme devotion.


  • Launching The Next Generation
  • The Twin Strains of Sci Fi
  • One—Background
  • Science Fiction from Shelley to Star Wars
  • Growth of a Genre
  • Star Trek’s Generations
  • The New Voyages
  • Contextual Communication Theories
  • Two—The Intrapersonal Context
  • Data and Symbolic Interactionism
  • Gender Differences, Worf and Troi
  • Character Realization with Picard, Riker, Crusher and La Forge
  • Summary
  • Three—The Interpersonal Context
  • The ­Parent-Child Dyad
  • The ­Mentor-Protégé Dyad
  • The Friendship Dyad
  • The Romance Dyad
  • Summary
  • Four—The Group and Organizational Contexts
  • The Enterprise Command Crew as a Group
  • Starfleet as an Organization
  • Summary
  • Five—The Mass Communication Context, Part I
  • Intrapersonal Issues: Philosophy of The Next Generation
  • Interpersonal Issues: Parasocial Interactions
  • Six—The Mass Communication Context, Part II
  • Group/Organizational Issues: Fans and Texts
  • Seven—Next Frontiers for Communication Contexts
  • Intrapersonal Issues on Star Trek: Discovery—Michael Burnham and the Four Loves
  • Interpersonal Issues on Star Trek: Voyager
  • Group/Organizational Issues on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine—Organizational Dissent and the Maquis
  • Audience/Artifact Relationship with Star Trek: Enterprise—Reception Theory
  • Summary
  • Conclusion
  • Expanding the Universe
  • Trek Tech
  • The True Legacy
  • “The sky’s the limit”
  • Appendix A: List of Star Trek: The Next Generation Episodes
  • Appendix B: Research Instrument for Star Trek Survey
  • Chapter Notes
  • Bibliography
  • Index