Die Wahrheit hinter der Legende von Kahless.
[Verbergen]Zusammenfassung der Handlung
- Vom Umschlagtext:
For the last fifteen thousand years, the Klingons have revered him as the first Klingon emperor, the legendary warrior who united their people and taught them the meaning of honor. Myths and fables have grown around the memory of Kahless, but the truth of his incredible life has remained a mystery… until now.
A clone of the original Kahless now holds the title of emperor. He thinks he knows all there is to know about his mighty ancestor, until the discovery of an ancient scroll throws the ancient stories into doubt and threatens to tear the Klingon Empire apart. Surrounded by rumors of treachery and revolt, he can trust no one – except Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Lieutenant Worf of the USS Enterprise.
The ancient scroll reveals an unimagined past where a young Klingon warrior named Kahless risked everything to defy the tyrant Molor. At first, Kahless wishes only to preserve his honor and the safety of his loved ones, but time and circumstances push the reluctant rebel leader toward a destiny greater than any he could have imagined…
The past collides with the present, as the true story of the historical Kahless sparks a battle for control of the Klingon Empire. Yet even if Worf and Picard can prevent a civil war, the revelations contained in the scroll ensure that the Klingon Empire – and the rest of the galaxy – will never be the same.
Der Roman spielt zwischen TNG: Gestern, Heute, Morgen, Teil II und Star Trek: Treffen der Generationen.
In den Kapiteln mit ungerader Nummer wird die Legende von Kahless beschrieben und in den Kapiteln mit gerader Nummer die realen Ereignisse.
Das Hörbuch deckt nur die ungeraden Kapitel des Romans ab, erzählt also nur die Legende von Kahless.
Das Hörbuch wurde im englischen Original von Kevin Conway gesprochen.
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