Star Trek Reader's Reference to the Novels 1988-1989
Das Buch Star Trek Reader's Reference to the Novels 1988-1989 beschäftigt sich mit den offiziell lizenzierten Star-Trek-Romanen der Jahre 1988 bis 1989 in Form einer umfangreichen Enzyklopädie.
- Vom Umschlagtext:
Since viewing „Devil in the Dark,“ a STAR TREK episode, Alva Underwood's interest in that world led her, after many years, to begin indexing the novles. She continues her effort in this fifth volume based on novels published from 1988-1989. Main character biographics continue to expand as does information about Romulans and Klingons and a host of other aliens. In this volume, the reader will discover a new Spock romance, revisit Sarpeid, learn about the expanded Memory Prime Centers, meet the Sackers, new aliens on the block, learn about Sulu's pet, Filbert, and catch a glimpse of sentient life that may have set the stage for the emergence of Data in The Next generation. This fifth volume continues the effort to collect information from the novels and weave it into a coherent history while adding new information to that which already exists. The effort also reflects the joy Alva discovered in the pages of STAR TREK novels and salutes the efforts of Roddenberry and the novelists who continue the adventure!