Star Trek Reader's Reference to the Novels 1986-1987

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Das Buch Star Trek Reader's Reference to the Novels 1986-1987 beschäftigt sich mit den offiziell lizenzierten Star-Trek-Romanen der Jahre 1986 bis 1987 in Form einer umfangreichen Enzyklopädie.


Vom Umschlagtext:

This Reference continues expanding much of the original material detailed in the first three volumes. New adventures are detailed and old adversaries are visited. Biographies offer new material discovered in the novels, and a Vulcan course of study is included. How the Romulans split from the Vulcans is detailed here as well as new information about Andorians, Tellarites, and Vulcans. Here you can visit with new crewmembers, meet a Coridani, swim with a waffa, learn about the Denebians, shudder at the inhumane actions of Ravens, contemplate Matter as God and the Romulan concept of mhnei'sahe, while joining in the fun concocted by the natives of Direidians as a prank played upon Romulans, Klingons, and Kirk's crew. Learn more about Romulan's twin worlds, ch'Havran and ch'Rihan, how the Enterprise was nearly destroyed by a minute black hole, and Kirk's second out-of-body experience. Immerse yourself in a galaxy where Terrans continue to expand their knowledge, meet fascinating new peoples, and „go where no one has gone before“.