Day of the Vipers

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Dieser Roman behandelt den Beginn der Cardassianischen Besatzung von Bajor zwischen 2318 und 2328.



Vom Umschlagtext:

A seemingly benign visitation to the bountiful world of Bajor from the resource-poor Cardassian Union is viewed with cautious optimism by some, trepidation by others, and a calculating gleam by unscrupulous opportunists. What begins as a gesture of compassion soon becomes something very different. Seen through the eyes of participants on both sides – including those of a young officer named Skrain Dukat – the personal, political, and religious tensions between the Bajorans and the Cardassians quickly spiral out of control, irrevocably shaping the futures of both worlds in an emotionally charged and unforgettable tale of treachery, tragedy, and hope.


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Das Cover wurde von John Picardo gestaltet.

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Institutionen & Großmächte
Cardassianische Union
Spezies & Lebensformen
Andorianer, Bajoraner, Cardassianer, Ferengi, Xepolit
Procal Dukatβ, Skrain Dukat, Els Renora, Mark Jameson, Jaro Essa, Jas Holza, Kalem Apren, Keeve Falor, Kubus Oak, Proka Migdal, Alynna Nechayev, Kotan Pa'Dar
Astronomische Objekte