The Special Effects of Trek

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Das Buch The Special Effects of Trek (auch: Files Magazine focus on Special Effects of Trek) beschäftigt sich mit den Spezialeffekten der Serien Raumschiff Enterprise und Raumschiff Enterprise: Das nächste Jahrhundert sowie der ersten sechs Star-Trek-Kinofilme. Es beinhaltet eine Sammlung von Artikeln und Interviews zu diesem Thema.


Vom Umschlagtext:

The magic of Star Trek was part acting ability, part good stories and direction and part special effects created by unseen wizards. The special seductive spell of special effects created the wonders of space travel, strange worlds, fantastic vehicles and incredible alien races. This is the untold story of those behind-the-scenes wizards in their own words.
(Quelle: 1. Edition)

Vom Umschlagtext:

„The best book about the magical special effects that bring Star Trek to life ever published.“ - Enterprise Incidents

An in-depth look at the special effects magic behind the 26 years of Star Trek productions!

Special effects have always been an important facet of the Star Trek phenomenon. This book explores how the effects have been achieved. From the Emmy Award-winning episode, „The Tholian Web“, of the original series, through the spectacular effects of the movies and the challenge of creating new effects week after week on Star Trek: The Next Generation, this lively account describes the fascinating work that goes on behind the scenes.
(Quelle: 2. Edition)



Das Buch enthält verglichen zu späteren Referenzwerken viele inakkurate Informationen, die teilweise aus Spekulationen resultieren. Es werden zudem keine Quellen angegeben.