Star Trek Blueprint Collection

aus Memory Alpha, der freien deutschen Star-Trek-Datenbank
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Die Star Trek Blueprint Collection sind eine Sammlung von Deckplänen und Übersichtstafeln der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A), USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) und Deep Space 9.


Vom Umschlagtext:

The Ships of Star Trek have never been collected as one art portfolio - until now. Zanart is proud to bring you the blueprints of the principle vehicles from the Star Trek features, Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Also included is a specifications sheet with dimensions, weapons, and crew compliments of each ship.

Star Trek®

When was the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-A commissioned? How many officers make up its crew? What is its standard defense weapon? Find out inside!

Star Trek: The Next Generation® Where was the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D built and when was it commissioned? What is its length? How many passengers is it capable of transporting and what is its standard defense weapons? Discover within!

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine®

Who built Deep Space Nine? What was it originally named? When did Starfleet assume control of the space station? Never before seen artwork is enclosed!

Ideal for framing, all 11" x 14" blueprints contain a description and brief history of each ship. Packaged in a self-enclosed portfolio, the Star Trek Blueprint Collection is ideal for collectors and Star Trek enthusiasts alike.

Der Karton enthält 8 Blätter im Format 27,94 x 35,56 cm.