Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „{{Roman-Sidebar| Titel= Lost Time | OriginalTitel= Lost Time | OriginalLink= Lost Time | Serie= Star Trek: Corps of Engi…“
Titel= Lost Time
| OriginalTitel= Lost Time
| OriginalLink= Lost Time
| Serie= Star Trek: Corps of Engineers
| Reihe=
| Zyklus=
| Cover= Lost Time.jpg
| Autor= Ilsa J. Bick
| Autor2=
| Autor3=
| ErsteSternzeit=
| LetzteSternzeit=
| Jahr=
| Monat=
| Tag=
| Releases=
Titel= Lost Time
| Format= E-Book
| ISBN= 141650690X
| Sprache= en
| Cover= Lost Time.jpg
| Datum= 2005-04-22
| Verlag= Pocket Books
| Nummer=
| Seitenanzahl= 92
| Übersetzer=
Eine E-Book-Kurzgeschichte.
== Inhalt ==
=== Zusammenfassung ===
{{Buchrückentext|Almost a year after the S.C.E. crew on the da Vinci helped Lieutenant [[Nog]] of [[Deep Space 9]]™ salvage the hulk of DS9's sister station [[Empok Nor]], a booby trap left behind by the Androssi threatens the [[Bajoranisches System|Bajoran system]]. But the potential damage may be greater than the combined crews of the da Vinci and DS9 can handle, as the threat stretches across two universes – and their only hope for survival may rest with their long-dead crewmates 111 and [[Duffy (Lieutenant Junior Grade)|Kieran Duffy]]!}}
=== Handlung ===
{{Brauche Inhaltsangabe}}
== Hintergrundinformationen ==
Die Kurzgeschichte ist auch im Sammelband [[Wounds]] enthalten.
== Links und Verweise ==
=== Sonstige Verweise ===
| Ereignisse =
| Institutionen = [[Cardassianische Union]], [[Föderation]], [[Klingonisches Reich]], [[Sternenflotte]], [[Vedek-Versammlung]]
| Spezies = {{MB|Androssi}}, [[Bajoraner]], [[Betazoid]], [[Bynar]], [[Cardassianer]], [[Ferengi]], {{MB|Hebitianer}}, [[Jem'Hadar]], [[Nasat]], [[Remaner]], [[Romulaner]], [[Trill]], [[Vulkanier]]
| Kultur = [[Teufel|Satan]]
| Person = {{MB|110}}, {{MB|111}}, {{MB|1011}}, {{MB|1110}}, [[Korena|Azeni Korena]], [[Bareil Antos]], [[Julian Bashir]], {{MB|Nancy Conlon}}, {{MB|Domenica Corsi}}, [[Jadzia Dax]], [[Ezri Dax]], [[Duffy (Lieutenant Junior Grade)|Kieran Duffy]], [[Dukat]], [[Elim Garak]], [[Ishka]], {{MB|Rachel Gilman}}, {{MB|David Gold}}, [[Sonya Gomez]], {{MB|Vance Hawkins}}, {{MB|Susan Haznedl}}, {{MB|Tori Kane}}, {{MB|David McAllen}}, [[Kira Nerys]], [[Elizabeth Lense]], [[Nog]], [[Odo]], {{MB|Wade Omthon}}, {{MB|P8 Blue}}, [[Jean-Luc Picard]], {{MB|Laura Poynter}}, [[Ro Laren]], [[Rugal]], {{MB|Robin Rusconi}}, {{MB|Salek}}, [[Benjamin Sisko]], [[Jake Sisko]], {{MB|Rebecca Jae Sisko}}, {{MB|Soloman}}, [[Simon Tarses]], {{MB|Mor glasch Tev}}, {{MB|Elias Vaughn}}, {{MB|Songmin Wong}}, [[Kasidy Yates]]
| Schiffe = {{MB|USS da Vinci}}, [[Deep Space 9]], {{MB|USS Gettysburg}}, [[Hideki-Klasse|''Hideki''-Klasse]], [[Keldon-Klasse|''Keldon''-Klasse]], {{MB|Kwolek}}, {{MB|Li}}, [[USS Rio Grande|USS ''Rio Grande'']], {{MB|Templar}}
| Ort = [[Kendra-Tal]]
| Astronomie = [[AR-558]], [[Bajor]], [[Bajoranisches Wurmloch]], [[Bynaus]], [[Denorios-Gürtel]], [[Erde]], {{MB|Galvan VI}}, [[Gamma-Quadrant]], [[Trivas-System]]
| Technik = [[Heisenbergkompensator]], [[Transporter]], [[Transporterpsychose]]
| Nahrung = [[Taspar-Ei]]
| Sonstiges = {{MB|Schrödingers Katze}}
{{Navigationsleiste Roman|vor=Malefictorum|weiter=Identity Crisis|Serie=Star Trek: Corps of Engineers}}
[[en:Lost Time]]
Titel= Lost Time
| OriginalTitel= Lost Time
| OriginalLink= Lost Time
| Serie= Star Trek: Corps of Engineers
| Reihe=
| Zyklus=
| Cover= Lost Time.jpg
| Autor= Ilsa J. Bick
| Autor2=
| Autor3=
| ErsteSternzeit=
| LetzteSternzeit=
| Jahr=
| Monat=
| Tag=
| Releases=
Titel= Lost Time
| Format= E-Book
| ISBN= 141650690X
| Sprache= en
| Cover= Lost Time.jpg
| Datum= 2005-04-22
| Verlag= Pocket Books
| Nummer=
| Seitenanzahl= 92
| Übersetzer=
Eine E-Book-Kurzgeschichte.
== Inhalt ==
=== Zusammenfassung ===
{{Buchrückentext|Almost a year after the S.C.E. crew on the da Vinci helped Lieutenant [[Nog]] of [[Deep Space 9]]™ salvage the hulk of DS9's sister station [[Empok Nor]], a booby trap left behind by the Androssi threatens the [[Bajoranisches System|Bajoran system]]. But the potential damage may be greater than the combined crews of the da Vinci and DS9 can handle, as the threat stretches across two universes – and their only hope for survival may rest with their long-dead crewmates 111 and [[Duffy (Lieutenant Junior Grade)|Kieran Duffy]]!}}
=== Handlung ===
{{Brauche Inhaltsangabe}}
== Hintergrundinformationen ==
Die Kurzgeschichte ist auch im Sammelband [[Wounds]] enthalten.
== Links und Verweise ==
=== Sonstige Verweise ===
| Ereignisse =
| Institutionen = [[Cardassianische Union]], [[Föderation]], [[Klingonisches Reich]], [[Sternenflotte]], [[Vedek-Versammlung]]
| Spezies = {{MB|Androssi}}, [[Bajoraner]], [[Betazoid]], [[Bynar]], [[Cardassianer]], [[Ferengi]], {{MB|Hebitianer}}, [[Jem'Hadar]], [[Nasat]], [[Remaner]], [[Romulaner]], [[Trill]], [[Vulkanier]]
| Kultur = [[Teufel|Satan]]
| Person = {{MB|110}}, {{MB|111}}, {{MB|1011}}, {{MB|1110}}, [[Korena|Azeni Korena]], [[Bareil Antos]], [[Julian Bashir]], {{MB|Nancy Conlon}}, {{MB|Domenica Corsi}}, [[Jadzia Dax]], [[Ezri Dax]], [[Duffy (Lieutenant Junior Grade)|Kieran Duffy]], [[Dukat]], [[Elim Garak]], [[Ishka]], {{MB|Rachel Gilman}}, {{MB|David Gold}}, [[Sonya Gomez]], {{MB|Vance Hawkins}}, {{MB|Susan Haznedl}}, {{MB|Tori Kane}}, {{MB|David McAllen}}, [[Kira Nerys]], [[Elizabeth Lense]], [[Nog]], [[Odo]], {{MB|Wade Omthon}}, {{MB|P8 Blue}}, [[Jean-Luc Picard]], {{MB|Laura Poynter}}, [[Ro Laren]], [[Rugal]], {{MB|Robin Rusconi}}, {{MB|Salek}}, [[Benjamin Sisko]], [[Jake Sisko]], {{MB|Rebecca Jae Sisko}}, {{MB|Soloman}}, [[Simon Tarses]], {{MB|Mor glasch Tev}}, {{MB|Elias Vaughn}}, {{MB|Songmin Wong}}, [[Kasidy Yates]]
| Schiffe = {{MB|USS da Vinci}}, [[Deep Space 9]], {{MB|USS Gettysburg}}, [[Hideki-Klasse|''Hideki''-Klasse]], [[Keldon-Klasse|''Keldon''-Klasse]], {{MB|Kwolek}}, {{MB|Li}}, [[USS Rio Grande|USS ''Rio Grande'']], {{MB|Templar}}
| Ort = [[Kendra-Tal]]
| Astronomie = [[AR-558]], [[Bajor]], [[Bajoranisches Wurmloch]], [[Bynaus]], [[Denorios-Gürtel]], [[Erde]], {{MB|Galvan VI}}, [[Gamma-Quadrant]], [[Trivas-System]]
| Technik = [[Heisenbergkompensator]], [[Transporter]], [[Transporterpsychose]]
| Nahrung = [[Taspar-Ei]]
| Sonstiges = {{MB|Schrödingers Katze}}
{{Navigationsleiste Roman|vor=Malefictorum|weiter=Identity Crisis|Serie=Star Trek: Corps of Engineers}}
[[en:Lost Time]]