Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „{{Roman-Sidebar| Titel= Der Außenposten | OriginalTitel= The Riddled Post | OriginalLink= | Serie= Star Trek: Corps of…“
Titel= Der Außenposten
| OriginalTitel= The Riddled Post
| OriginalLink=
| Serie= Star Trek: Corps of Engineers
| Reihe=
| Zyklus=
| Cover= Der Außenposten.jpg
| Autor= Aaron Rosenberg
| Autor2=
| Autor3=
| ErsteSternzeit=
| LetzteSternzeit=
| Jahr=
| Monat=
| Tag=
| Releases=
Titel= Der Außenposten
| Format= E-Book
| ISBN= 9783864257087
| Sprache= de
| Cover= Der Außenposten.jpg
| Datum= 2015-03-23
| Verlag= Cross Cult
| Nummer=
| Seitenanzahl= 100
| Übersetzer= Susanne Picard
Titel= The Riddled Post
| Format= E-Book
| ISBN= 0743428765
| Sprache= en
| Cover= The Riddled Post.jpg
| Datum= 2001-10-12
| Verlag= Pocket Books
| Nummer=
| Seitenanzahl= 40
Eine E-Book-Kurzgeschichte.
== Inhalt ==
=== Zusammenfassung ===
{{Buchrückentext|The dilithium mining outpost on BorSitu Minor is an understaffed, uninteresting, unspectacular place full of miners, engineers, and scientists who have never done harm to anyone, nor do they have anything of value.
Yet the outpost has been devastated by a brutal assault, with almost all hands lost – and the survivors have no idea what attacked them. Worse, the attack weapon appears to have the power to penetrate the outpost's powerful shields. That has the crew of the USS da Vinci worried, as it could just as easily destroy a starship!
Now the S.C.E. team, led by Commander Sonya Gomez, must find out the truth behind what ravaged the outpost, and hope that someone hasn't unleashed a weapon that could destroy them all!}}
=== Handlung ===
{{Brauche Inhaltsangabe}}
== Hintergrundinformationen ==
== Links und Verweise ==
=== Charaktere ===
* [[Sonya Gomez]]
=== Sonstige Verweise ===
| Ereignisse =
| Institutionen = [[Sternenflotte]]
| Spezies =
| Kultur =
| Person = {{MB|David Gold}}, [[Sonya Gomez]]
| Schiffe = {{MB|USS da Vinci}}
| Ort = [[Außenposten]]
| Astronomie = {{MB|Bor Situ Minor}}
| Technik = [[Dilithium]]
| Nahrung =
| Sonstiges =
{{Navigationsleiste Roman|vor=Unbesiegbar 2|weiter=Achtung, Monster!|Serie=Star Trek: Corps of Engineers}}
[[en:The Riddled Post]]
Titel= Der Außenposten
| OriginalTitel= The Riddled Post
| OriginalLink=
| Serie= Star Trek: Corps of Engineers
| Reihe=
| Zyklus=
| Cover= Der Außenposten.jpg
| Autor= Aaron Rosenberg
| Autor2=
| Autor3=
| ErsteSternzeit=
| LetzteSternzeit=
| Jahr=
| Monat=
| Tag=
| Releases=
Titel= Der Außenposten
| Format= E-Book
| ISBN= 9783864257087
| Sprache= de
| Cover= Der Außenposten.jpg
| Datum= 2015-03-23
| Verlag= Cross Cult
| Nummer=
| Seitenanzahl= 100
| Übersetzer= Susanne Picard
Titel= The Riddled Post
| Format= E-Book
| ISBN= 0743428765
| Sprache= en
| Cover= The Riddled Post.jpg
| Datum= 2001-10-12
| Verlag= Pocket Books
| Nummer=
| Seitenanzahl= 40
Eine E-Book-Kurzgeschichte.
== Inhalt ==
=== Zusammenfassung ===
{{Buchrückentext|The dilithium mining outpost on BorSitu Minor is an understaffed, uninteresting, unspectacular place full of miners, engineers, and scientists who have never done harm to anyone, nor do they have anything of value.
Yet the outpost has been devastated by a brutal assault, with almost all hands lost – and the survivors have no idea what attacked them. Worse, the attack weapon appears to have the power to penetrate the outpost's powerful shields. That has the crew of the USS da Vinci worried, as it could just as easily destroy a starship!
Now the S.C.E. team, led by Commander Sonya Gomez, must find out the truth behind what ravaged the outpost, and hope that someone hasn't unleashed a weapon that could destroy them all!}}
=== Handlung ===
{{Brauche Inhaltsangabe}}
== Hintergrundinformationen ==
== Links und Verweise ==
=== Charaktere ===
* [[Sonya Gomez]]
=== Sonstige Verweise ===
| Ereignisse =
| Institutionen = [[Sternenflotte]]
| Spezies =
| Kultur =
| Person = {{MB|David Gold}}, [[Sonya Gomez]]
| Schiffe = {{MB|USS da Vinci}}
| Ort = [[Außenposten]]
| Astronomie = {{MB|Bor Situ Minor}}
| Technik = [[Dilithium]]
| Nahrung =
| Sonstiges =
{{Navigationsleiste Roman|vor=Unbesiegbar 2|weiter=Achtung, Monster!|Serie=Star Trek: Corps of Engineers}}
[[en:The Riddled Post]]