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Memory Alpha Nova β


Die Energiefalle

2 Bytes entfernt, 19:17, 22. Mär. 2023
| Institutionen = [[Daystrom Institute of Technology]], [[Galaxy Class Starship Development Project]], [[University of Alpha Centauri]], [[University of Tomobiki]]
| Spezies = [[Ferengi]], [[Metharianer]], [[Promellianer]]
| Person = [[Napoléon Bonaparte]], [[Susan Brahms Beaumont]], [[Theodore BeaumontBrahms]]
| Kultur = [[Abschlussarbeit]], [[Dreidimensionales Schach]], [[Flaschenschiff]], ''[[Higher Order Warp Field Propulsion Applications]]'', [[Museum]], ''[[Scientific Tasmanian]]'', ''[[Subspace Processing Modes in Warp Propulsion Applications]]'', ''[[Ungarische Tänze]]'', [[Violine]]
| Schiffe = [[Astralnebenstelle 5]], [[Brücke]], ''[[Cleponji]]'', [[Promellianischer Schlachtkreuzer]], [[USS Yamato|USS ''Yamato'']], [[Zehn Vorne]]