Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „{{Roman-Sidebar| Titel= Doors Into Chaos | Sortiername= Doors Into Chaos | Serie= DS9 | Reihe= Deep Space Nine – Rel…“
Titel= Doors Into Chaos
| Sortiername= Doors Into Chaos
| Serie= DS9
| Reihe= Deep Space Nine – Relaunch
| Zyklus= Portale
| Cover= Doors Into Chaos.jpg
| Autor= Robert Greenberger
| Autor2=
| Autor3=
| ErsteSternzeit=
| LetzteSternzeit=
| Jahr= 2370er
| Monat=
| Tag=
| Releases=
Titel= Doors Into Chaos
| Format= Softcover
| ISBN= 0743418565
| Sprache= en
| Cover= Doors Into Chaos.jpg
| Datum= 2001-09
| Verlag= Pocket Books
| Nummer=
| Seitenanzahl= 293
Titel= Doors Into Chaos
| Format= E-Book
| ISBN= 9780743418614
| Sprache= en
| Cover= Doors Into Chaos.jpg
| Datum= 2001-09
| Verlag= Pocket Books
| Nummer=
| Seitenanzahl= 293
Chaos bricht aus, als sich [[Iconianisches Portal|Portale der Iconianer]] in der ganzen [[Galaxis]] zu öffnen beginnen.
== Inhalt ==
=== Zusammenfassung ===
{{Buchrückentext|More than 200,000 years ago, the ancient [[Iconianer|Iconians]] created a network of interdimensional Gateways providing instantaneous transportation across unimaginable distances. Once known as the "Demons of Air and Darkness," the Iconians mysteriously vanished many millennia ago, never to return -- or so it was believed.
Summoned to an emergency briefing at [[Hauptquartier der Sternenflotte|Starfleet Headquarters]], [[Captain]] [[Jean-Luc Picard]] is stunned to discover that the legendary Iconians have returned at last, and are offering to sell the secrets of their advanced technology to the Federation. To prove their sincerity, they have reactivated their long-abandoned Gateways, but the results have been strife and chaos throughout the entire Alpha Quadrant. Now Picard and his crew must contend with feuding [[Klingone|Klingons]] and [[Romulaner|Romulans]] as the captain seeks to discover the sinister truth behind the Iconians' unexpected rebirth!}}
=== Handlung ===
{{Brauche Inhaltsangabe}}
== Hintergrundinformationen ==
== Links und Verweise ==
=== Verweise ===
| Ereignisse =
| Institutionen = [[Föderation]], [[Präsident der Föderation]]
| Spezies = [[Betazoid]], [[Ferengi]], [[Mensch]], [[Nyrianer]]
| Kultur =
| Person = [[Bractor]], {{MB|Carter Brisbayne}}, {{MB|Desan}} {{MB|Grekor}}, [[Jean-Luc Picard]], [[Solok]], [[Taleen]], {{MB|Tarnan}}, [[Deanna Troi]]
| Schiffe = ''[[Kreechta]]'', [[USS T'Kumbra|USS ''T'Kumbra'']]
| Ort =
| Astronomie =
| Technik =
| Nahrung =
| Sonstiges =
=== Verweise auf Episoden ===
* {{S|TNG}}
** {{e|Die Iconia-Sonden}}
* {{S|DS9}}
** {{e|Wettkampfin der Holosuite}}
{{Navigationsleiste Romane Portale}}
{{Navigationsleiste Roman|vor=Die Verschwörung (Roman)|weiter=Das Unsterblichkeitsprinzip|Serie=Star Trek: The Next Generation}}
[[Kategorie:Roman|Doors Into Chaos]]
[[cs:Doors Into Chaos]]
[[en:Doors Into Chaos]]
Titel= Doors Into Chaos
| Sortiername= Doors Into Chaos
| Serie= DS9
| Reihe= Deep Space Nine – Relaunch
| Zyklus= Portale
| Cover= Doors Into Chaos.jpg
| Autor= Robert Greenberger
| Autor2=
| Autor3=
| ErsteSternzeit=
| LetzteSternzeit=
| Jahr= 2370er
| Monat=
| Tag=
| Releases=
Titel= Doors Into Chaos
| Format= Softcover
| ISBN= 0743418565
| Sprache= en
| Cover= Doors Into Chaos.jpg
| Datum= 2001-09
| Verlag= Pocket Books
| Nummer=
| Seitenanzahl= 293
Titel= Doors Into Chaos
| Format= E-Book
| ISBN= 9780743418614
| Sprache= en
| Cover= Doors Into Chaos.jpg
| Datum= 2001-09
| Verlag= Pocket Books
| Nummer=
| Seitenanzahl= 293
Chaos bricht aus, als sich [[Iconianisches Portal|Portale der Iconianer]] in der ganzen [[Galaxis]] zu öffnen beginnen.
== Inhalt ==
=== Zusammenfassung ===
{{Buchrückentext|More than 200,000 years ago, the ancient [[Iconianer|Iconians]] created a network of interdimensional Gateways providing instantaneous transportation across unimaginable distances. Once known as the "Demons of Air and Darkness," the Iconians mysteriously vanished many millennia ago, never to return -- or so it was believed.
Summoned to an emergency briefing at [[Hauptquartier der Sternenflotte|Starfleet Headquarters]], [[Captain]] [[Jean-Luc Picard]] is stunned to discover that the legendary Iconians have returned at last, and are offering to sell the secrets of their advanced technology to the Federation. To prove their sincerity, they have reactivated their long-abandoned Gateways, but the results have been strife and chaos throughout the entire Alpha Quadrant. Now Picard and his crew must contend with feuding [[Klingone|Klingons]] and [[Romulaner|Romulans]] as the captain seeks to discover the sinister truth behind the Iconians' unexpected rebirth!}}
=== Handlung ===
{{Brauche Inhaltsangabe}}
== Hintergrundinformationen ==
== Links und Verweise ==
=== Verweise ===
| Ereignisse =
| Institutionen = [[Föderation]], [[Präsident der Föderation]]
| Spezies = [[Betazoid]], [[Ferengi]], [[Mensch]], [[Nyrianer]]
| Kultur =
| Person = [[Bractor]], {{MB|Carter Brisbayne}}, {{MB|Desan}} {{MB|Grekor}}, [[Jean-Luc Picard]], [[Solok]], [[Taleen]], {{MB|Tarnan}}, [[Deanna Troi]]
| Schiffe = ''[[Kreechta]]'', [[USS T'Kumbra|USS ''T'Kumbra'']]
| Ort =
| Astronomie =
| Technik =
| Nahrung =
| Sonstiges =
=== Verweise auf Episoden ===
* {{S|TNG}}
** {{e|Die Iconia-Sonden}}
* {{S|DS9}}
** {{e|Wettkampfin der Holosuite}}
{{Navigationsleiste Romane Portale}}
{{Navigationsleiste Roman|vor=Die Verschwörung (Roman)|weiter=Das Unsterblichkeitsprinzip|Serie=Star Trek: The Next Generation}}
[[Kategorie:Roman|Doors Into Chaos]]
[[cs:Doors Into Chaos]]
[[en:Doors Into Chaos]]