Life Signs: The Biology of Star Trek

aus Memory Alpha, der freien deutschen Star-Trek-Datenbank
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Das Buch Life Signs: The Biology of Star Trek beschäftigt sich mit biologischen Aspekten des Star-Trek-Universums.


Vom Umschlagtext:

Could aliens have green blood? Why so Ferengis have such big ears? Is Commander Data really alive?

What Star Trek fan hasn't pondered such weighty questions as these? Now, two noted scientists provide all the answers as they explore the sometimes fanciful, always fascinating, biological issues raised by Star Trek's various incarnations. Entertaining, insightful, and authoritative, The Biology of Star Trek will heighten your appreciation for the mind-expanding magic of Star Trek.
(Quelle: Taschenbuch-Ausgabe)


Das Vorwort schrieb Lawrence M. Krauss, Autor der ähnlichen Werke Die Physik von Star Trek und Jenseits von Star Trek.