Is Data Human?: The Metaphysics Of Star Trek

aus Memory Alpha, der freien deutschen Star-Trek-Datenbank
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Das Buch Is Data Human?: The Metaphysics Of Star Trek beschäftigt sich mit moralischen und ethischen Aspekten des Star-Trek-Universums.


Vom Umschlagtext:

When Commander Data goes on trial for his life in the Next Generation episode "The Measure of a Man," his fate rests on the question whether he's a sentient creature, with desires and self-awareness, or a maschine that only simulates these qualities. Can we ever know which he really is? Can he?

In Is Data Human? philosopher and dedicated Trekker Richard Hanley takes on the difficult and fascinating philosophical questions raised by the series fans often call "the greatest thirty-year thought experiment ever undertaken." When you beam down to a planet, does the same "you" arrive on the surface? Could there really be such a thing as a universal translator? Can the paradoxes of time travel be resolved? When Voyager's Tuvok and Neelix are combined by a transporter accident into Tuvix, does this person have a right not to be separated again? For every Trekker (and non-Trekker) who's fascinated by the Big Questions, this book is irresistible reading.