Artificial Life Possibilities : A Star Trek Perspective

aus Memory Alpha, der freien deutschen Star-Trek-Datenbank
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Das Buch Artificial Life Possibilities : A Star Trek Perspective beschäftigt sich mit der Darstellung künstlicher Lebensformen in Star Trek.


Vom Umschlagtext:

Star Trek A-Life: Developing Artificial Life Forms for the 24th Century takes current academic research and practices and puts them into layman?s terms, allowing sci-fi buffs to explore and understand the technology behind the artificial life forms used in popular TV and film. It compares these life forms with current technology to see if we will ever actually be able to create such advanced beings. In addition it scrutinizes the artificial beings? physical specifications, programming capabilities, and metaphysical aspects such as personality and emotions. Each concept examined in the book is presented with examples from Star Trek episodes that included artificial life forms. The book reveals the mysteries of AI and explains where Star Trek writers may be right and where their ideas are impossible.