Shards and Shadows

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Shards and Shadows ist eine Anthologie aus der Romanreihe Star Trek: Mirror Universe.


Vom Umschlagtext:

Fractured history. Broken lives. Splintered souls. Since the alternate universe was first glimpsed in the classic episode "Mirror, Mirror", something about Star Trek's dark side has beckoned us, called to us, tempted us – like forbidden fruit on the Tree of Knowledge. To taste it is to lose oneself in a world of startling familiarity and terrifying contradictions, where everything and everyone we knew is somehow disturbingly different, and where shocking secrets await their revelation.

What began in 2007 with Glass Empires and Obsidian Alliances – the first truly in-depth foray into the turbulent history of this other continuum – now continues in twelve new short tales that revisit and expand upon that so-called "Mirror Universe", spanning all five of the core incarnations of Star Trek, as well as their literary offshoots, across more than two hundred years of divergent history, as chronicled by…

Christopher L. BennettMargaret Wander BonannoPeter DavidKeith R.A. DeCandidoMichael Jan FriedmanJim JohnsonRudy JosephsDavid MackDave SternJames SwallowDayton Ward & Kevin DilmoreSusan Wright


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Ill Winds

The Greater Good

The Black Flag

The Traitor

The Sacred Chalice

The Bitter Fruit

Family Matters


A Terrible Beauty


For Want of a Nail


Der Roman wurde ursprünglich für April 2008 angekündigt. Im Februar 2008 wurde der Erscheinungstermin verschoben.

Ein Auszug erschien im Star Trek Magazine, Heft 142.

Das Cover wurde von Tom Hallman geschaffen und von Alan Dingman designt.