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Zeile 35: Zeile 35:
{{Buchrückentext|There's never been anything quite like ''STAR TREK''. More than twenty years after Captain [[James Tiberius Kirk|Kirk]], Mr. [[Spock]] and the crew of the starship [[USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)|''Enterprise'']] first came to television, their original adventures continue to garner new fans – while their new movies break box-office records! Now, in dozens of interviews especially conducted for this volume, noted ''STAR TREK'' expert Allan Asherman presents an in-depth look at the people who helped create the magic of ''STAR TREK'' – both on-screen and off. From [[Gene Roddenberry]] to [[Harve Bennett]], from the man who designed the Enterprise to the woman who played Spock's wife, here is a wealth of never-before- revealed information and fascinating trivia, including:
{{Buchrückentext|There's never been anything quite like ''STAR TREK''. More than twenty years after Captain [[James Tiberius Kirk|Kirk]], Mr. [[Spock]] and the crew of the starship [[USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)|''Enterprise'']] first came to television, their original adventures continue to garner new fans – while their new movies break box-office records! Now, in dozens of interviews especially conducted for this volume, noted ''STAR TREK'' expert Allan Asherman presents an in-depth look at the people who helped create the magic of ''STAR TREK'' – both on-screen and off. From [[Gene Roddenberry]] to [[Harve Bennett]], from the man who designed the Enterprise to the woman who played Spock's wife, here is a wealth of never-before- revealed information and fascinating trivia, including:
<ul><li>Gene Roddenberry's original choice to play the captain of the ''Enterprise''!
* Gene Roddenberry's original choice to play the captain of the ''Enterprise''!
<li>the inside story of the filming of ''STAR TREK'''s two pilot episodes – „[[Der Käfig|The Cage]]“ and „[[Die Spitze des Eisberges|Where No Man Has Gone Before]]“!
* the inside story of the filming of ''STAR TREK'''s two pilot episodes – „[[Der Käfig|The Cage]]“ and „[[Die Spitze des Eisberges|Where No Man Has Gone Before]]“!
<li>the first Mr. Spock – more alien than you can possibly imagine!</ul>
* the first Mr. Spock – more alien than you can possibly imagine!
It's all here in The Star Trek Interview Book – something no true ''STAR TREK'' fan will want to miss!}}
It's all here in The Star Trek Interview Book – something no true ''STAR TREK'' fan will want to miss!}}
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