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{{Buchrückentext|<q>Joan Winston writes the way humorist Erma Bombeck would if she were a ''Star Trek'' fan. The book is a must.</q> - Minneapolis Twin Cities Reader
{{Buchrückentext|<q>Joan Winston writes the way humorist Erma Bombeck would if she were a ''Star Trek'' fan. The book is a must.</q> - Minneapolis Twin Cities Reader
How Leonard Nimoy was spirited out of the hotel - and William Shatner in - past thousands of clamoring fans. Why Nichelle Nichols made Joan Winston cry. The Saturday Night riot. Jimmy Doohan giving security guards cardiac arrest. „Losing“ George Takei, finding him, losing him. Needing three fans to bring DeForest Kelley a quart of orange juice…
How Leonard Nimoy was spirited out of the hotel - and [[William Shatner]] in - past thousands of clamoring fans. Why Nichelle Nichols made Joan Winston cry. The Saturday Night riot. Jimmy Doohan giving security guards cardiac arrest. „Losing“ George Takei, finding him, losing him. Needing three fans to bring [[DeForest Kelley]] a quart of orange juice…
Here it is! The story behind the ''Star Trek'' conventions - complete with catastrophes, calamities, hilarious adventures and heartwarming anecdotes. It's everything you always wanted to know about your favorite show and stars - and how a handfull of dedicated fans created the world wide phenomena of the conventions. Joan Winston was there from the very beginning and she chronicles it all in a fast and funny account.<br><small>(Quelle: Softcover-Ausgabe)</small>}}
Here it is! The story behind the ''Star Trek'' conventions - complete with catastrophes, calamities, hilarious adventures and heartwarming anecdotes. It's everything you always wanted to know about your favorite show and stars - and how a handfull of dedicated fans created the world wide phenomena of the conventions. Joan Winston was there from the very beginning and she chronicles it all in a fast and funny account.<br><small>(Quelle: Softcover-Ausgabe)</small>}}
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