::"[...] Mike and Denise Okuda did not include the animated series in their ''Star Trek Encyclopedia'', but could not resist adding information on Spock's life from D. C. Fontana's excellent animated episode 'Yesteryear.' This makes the animateds as official as adding the entire series. Most importantly, Gene Roddenberry kept my early ''Star Trek Concordance'' on his Paramount office shelf, and he used it often for research. I visited the studio frequently, so GR had more than 10 years to ask me personally to remove the animated episodes from any reprint of my book. Even if Gene later came to dislike the concept, the series was originally acceptable to him and is now part of the ''Star Trek'' legend."
: Das erklärt die eine Zeile hoffentlich? -- [[Benutzer:Kobi|Kobi]] - [[{{ns:3}}:Kobi|(''{{ns:1}}'')]] 09:53, 31. Mär 2006 (UTC)
== Komplettsperrung ==
Aufgrund des Einbindens eines vermutlich urheberrechtlich geschützten Bilds habe ich mich dazu entschlossen, den Artikel gegen Bearbeitung jeder Art zu schützen, um das Bild später nach Klärung des Sachverhalts entweder komplett auch aus allen Versionen zu entfernen. {{Benutzer:Defchris/Signatur}} 14:21, 18. Okt 2006 (UTC)