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The Official Star Trek Quiz Book

2.099 Bytes hinzugefügt, 12:49, 18. Nov. 2016
Cover= The Official Star Trek Quiz Book.jpg
| Titel= The Official Star Trek Quiz Book
| OriginalTitel= The Official Star Trek Quiz Book
| Autor= Mitchell Maglio
| Grafiker=
| Releases=
| Cover= The Official Star Trek Quiz Book.jpg
| Titel= The Official Star Trek Quiz Book
| Beschreibung= Hörbuch
| Format= Softcover / Hardcover
| Auflage= 1
| Seitenanzahl= 256
| ISBN= 0671556525
| Verlag= Wallaby
| Datum= 1985-05-15
| Sprache= en
| Land= US
Das [[Referenzwerk|Buch]] [[The Official Star Trek Quiz Book]] beinhaltet Quizfragen rund um das Thema ''[[Star Trek]]''.

== Inhalt ==
{{Buchrückentext|Now you can test and expand your knowledge of the amazing ''Star Trek'' adventures! Even a Starfleet Commander would be challenged by the probing questions in every category from the television series and movies, including:

<ul><li>An episode-by-episode quiz
<li>Technical knowledge
<li>''Star Trek'' history
<li>Cast regulars and guest stars
<li>Central characters
<li>Questions for the true expert</ul>

and more!

Whether you're a Starfleet Admiral or an eager Plebe - the mission never ends with The Official ''Star Trek'' Quiz Book!

Explore the little known facts of the fantastic world of ''Star Trek''® with the ultimate source, The Official ''Star Trek'' Quiz Book}}

== Kapitel ==
* ''Star-Trek''-Geschichte
* ''Star-Trek''-Technologie
* Außeriridische Lebensformen im ''Star-Trek''-Universe
* [[James T. Kirk]]
* [[William Shatner]]
* Mr. [[Spock]]
* [[Leonard Nimoy]]
* [[Liste von Crewmitgliedern der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)|Die Crew der USS ''Enterprise'']]
* Wiederkehrende Charaktere der Serie
* Die Episoden
* Foto-Quiz
* {{film|1}}
* {{film|2}}
* {{film|3}}
* Für die Experten
* Antworten
* Bibliografie

{{Displaytitle|The Official ''Star Trek'' Quiz Book}}
[[en:The Official Star Trek Quiz Book]]
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