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The Best of Trek

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Die [[Referenzwerk|Buchreihe]] [[The Best of Trek]] der Autoren [[Walter Irwin]] und [[G.B. Love]] fasst zahlreiche Artikel der ab den 1970er bis 1990er Jahren erschienenen [[Star-Trek-Fan|Fan]]-Zeitschrift: ''Trek: The Magazine for Star Trek Fans'' zusammen.

Von 1978 bis 1996 wurden insgesamt 22 Bücher veröffentlicht.

== Ausgaben ==

{| class="sortable"
! style="width:10%"| Cover !! style="width:20%"| Titel !! style="width:10%"| ISBN !! style="width:5%"| Jahr !! style="width:55%"| Umschlagtext
| [[Datei:Best of Trek 1.jpg|150px]]
| The Best of Trek: From the Magazine for Star Trek Fans
| 0451118073
| 1978
| Explore space, time, and alien empires… Welcome on this journey into the worlds of TREK -- the infinite realm of imagination. Here you will discover a universe of facts and fantasy about everyone's favorite show -- from interviews with such well-known personalities as Gene Roddenberry and Leonard Nimoy to the early history of the Klingon race; from convention close-ups to a revealing look at how those great special effects were created; from evaluations of the comic books to an index on the animated shows; from TREK trivia to time paradoxes. It's all here in the most amazing, galaxy-spanning collection ever!
| [[Datei:Best of Trek 2.jpg|150px]]
| The Best of Trek #2: From the Magazine for Star Trek Fans
| 0451134664
| 1980
| <ul><li>Captain Kirk's little black book<li>The rise and fall of the Federation<li>Gateways between the solar systems<li>Speculations on Spock's past</ul>These are just a few of the topics covered in this fascinating exploration of the many worlds of TREK. Whether Kirk, Spock, McCoy, or a Klingon is your favorite character, you'll find lots of information about them all. If you've wondered how subspace radio or the transporter system really works, you'll discover the answers here. In short, you'll span the farthest reaches of time and space as you turn the pages of this latest great collection of fact and fancy.
| [[Datei:Best of Trek 3.jpg|150px]]
| The Best of Trek #3: From the Magazine for Star Trek Fans
| 0451130928
| 1980
| <ul><li>Sulu's profile<li>Vulcan as a patriarchy<li>A trek into genealogy<li>Alternate universes in ''Star Trek''</ul>From a history of Spock's career to an in-depth look at the Star Trek movie, you'll find a star-studded universe of information about all your favorite characters aboard the Enterprise. You'll delight in remembering well-known adventures and discovering new knowledge about alien races and places. And you'll experience it all in this latest time- and space-spanning collection of articles from Trek magazine.
| [[Datei:Best of Trek 4.jpg|150px]]
| The Best of Trek #4: From the Magazine for Star Trek Fans
| 0451151763
| 1981
| <ul><li>The Crew in ''Star Trek: The Motion Picture''<li>The Preservers<br>Empires, gods, and other interested parties<li>Short treks</ul>From a close-up look at the life, loves, and career of Uhura to the most recent discoveries about the mysterious Preservers to a thought-provoking examination of V'Ger and intriguing new views of the Kirk, Spock, McCoy relationship, here is another delightful excursion into the universe of Trek. You'll travel through time and space, meet amazing aliens, and greet all your favorite characters as you wing your way through the latest collection of fascinating, fun-filled articles from Trek magazine.
| [[Datei:Best of Trek 5.jpg|150px]]
| The Best of Trek #5: From the Magazine for Star Trek Fans
| 0451129474
| 1982
| <ul><li>How and why Vulcans choose their mates<li>The doom 'n' gloom machine<br>The cinematography of Star Trek<li>Son of more Star Trek mysteries solved!</ul>From an in-depth exploration of what makes Dr. Leonard McCoy tick to the filming of special effects in ''Star Trek'' to speculation on the genetic makeup of Mr. Spock, here is another fascinating tour of the many worlds of Trek. You'll get some behind-the-scenes looks at what makes Star Trek work, learn more about the lives, loves, and careers of all your favorite characters, meet incredible aliens, and relive countless exciting moments as you zoom straight through this star-spanning collection of articles from Trek magazine.
| [[Datei:Best of Trek 6.jpg|150px]]
| The Best of Trek #6: From the Magazine for Star Trek Fans
| 0451124936
| 1983
| <ul><li>Beyond the final frontier<li>Spock resurrectus<li>The alien question<li>Space weeds</ul>From a close-up look at the character of Lieutenant Saavik and her relationship to Spock, to an exploration of the dangerous conflict between Kirk and Khan, to a beneath-the-rivets peek at the workings of the Enterprise, here is a star-spanning voyage through the universe of Trek. Whoever your favorite character is, whether you're a movie fan or a TV series addict -- or both -- you'll find articles to grab your interest and excite your imagination in this great new collection from Trek magazine.
| [[Datei:Best of Trek 7.jpg|150px]]
| The Best of Trek #7: From the Magazine for Star Trek Fans
| 0451161785
| 1984
| <ul><li>Answer your beeper, you dreamer!<li>The truth about tribbles<li>Why Spock ran amok<li>Secrets of ''Star Trek''</ul>From how to survive in a world of non-Trekkers, to an analysis of the Vulcan language, to ''Star Trek'' jokes that will make you head straight for the transporter room, here is another exciting voyage to the many worlds of Trek. You'll meet your favorite characters, relive treasured moments from stories, TV shows, and movies, and discover what all your fellow Trekkers are saying and thinking about the ever-changing Star Trek scene, as you delve into this space- and time-spanning new collection of articles from Trek magazine.
| [[Datei:Best of Trek 8.jpg|150px]]
| The Best of Trek #8: From the Magazine for Star Trek Fans
| 0451134885
| 1985
| <ul><li>Nimoy's "The Search for Spock": unrepentant<li>The black and white cookie episode<li>The Trek "fan on the street" poll<li>''Star Trek'' mysteries solved -- and resolved!</ul>From an investigation into the future of the "new" Spock and the "renegade" crew of the Enterprise, to a look at James T. Kirk from his cadet days to his desk days as admiral; from confrontations with ancient gods to clashes with Klingons and Romulans, here is your brand-new passport to the worlds of Trek. From the first TV episode to Star Trek III and beyond, you'll find the latest speculation and information about the magic and meaning of ''Star Trek'' in this all new collection from Trek magazine.
| [[Datei:Best of Trek 9.jpg|150px]]
| The Best of Trek #9: From the Magazine for Star Trek Fans
| 0451138163
| 1985
| <ul><li>Mythology and the Bible in ''Star Trek''<li>''Star Trek'' fans -- the blind spot<li>An update on ''Star Trek'' comics<li>Spock, McCoy, and the man in the mirror</ul>From an in-depth look at how fanzines get started -- and how to write for them -- to an inquiry into what Spock might learn on a psychoanalyst's couch, to a complete new update of all the ''Star Trek'' comics ever published, here is a thrilling panorama of the galaxies of Trek. You'll enter the inner worlds of all your favorite characters and explore the endless possibilities of movies, TV, and the phenomenon that is ''Star Trek'' in this sometimes controversial and always fascinating new collection of articles from Trek magazine.
| [[Datei:Best of Trek 10.jpg|150px]]
| The Best of Trek #10: From the Magazine for Star Trek Fans
| 0451143116
| 1986
| <ul><li>Why Kirk will remain an admiral<li>Boots and starships<li>One more time: time travel<li>A lexicon of Vulcan</ul>A special celebration of Star Trek in its first twenty years with... an examination of the true meaning of names in the series... a revelation of the basic rules of time travel, and an in-depth look at the entire supporting cast. Here is another fascinating collection full of information about all your favorite characters, episodes, and events in the ever-expanding universe of ''Star Trek''.
| [[Datei:Best of Trek 11.jpg|150px]]
| The Best of Trek #11: Featuring a Complete Guide to the Original Episodes
| 0451145763
| 1986
| <ul><li>A problem of identity: was Sherlock Holmes a Vulcan?<li>Kirk in Camelot<li>The twenty-third century woman<li>Unsung heroes -- Chekov and Sulu</ul>From a look at bellydancing among the stars to Chekov on the analyst's couch, this eye-opening selection is bursting with information about all your favorite Trek characters. Trek comes alive in a special section on the original TV episodes: the first airing dates, the stars, the directors, the writers, and the special guests. Here's your chance to transport yourself into the farthest reaches of the universe of Trek. Everything you ever wanted to know about this fabulous world is at your fingertips.
| [[Datei:Best of Trek 12.jpg|150px]]
| The Best of Trek #12: From the Magazine for Star Trek Fans
| 0451162498
| 1987
| <ul><li>The Star Trek twentieth-anniversary convention<li>The Vulcan heart, the Vulcan soul<li>The forgotten heroes of the Enterprise<li>Walking on water and other things Jim Kirk can't do</ul>From a firsthand account of that most unique and memorable of ''Star Trek'' conventions, to a close-up look at the lives of Scotty and McCoy, to excerpts from the nation's only ''Star Trek'' radio show, here is an all-new collection about the characters, the TV series and movies, the books, the fans, and the past, present, and future trends of the whole fascinating universe of ''Star Trek''.
| [[Datei:Best of Trek 13.jpg|150px]]
| The Best of Trek #13: A Brand New Collection for Star Trek Fans
| 0451153251
| 1988
| <ul><li>Pon Farr and the search for identity<li>The initiation of Spock<li>Stalking the wild Star Trek collectible<li>The once and future starship</ul>From a complete run-down of the entire crew of the Enterprise, to a journalistic look at the hottest headlines of the future, to a different perspective on Spock and his Vulcan/human heritage, this latest collection reveals whole new dimensions of the Star Trek universe. From the first TV episodes to the latest novels and movies, here are yet more fascinating facts and debates about the characters, the episodes, the pluses and paradoxes -- about everything that makes Star Trek the special experience that it is.
| [[Datei:Best of Trek 14.jpg|150px]]
| The Best of Trek #14: From the Magazine for Star Trek Fans
| 0451166469
| 1988
| <ul><li>The rise of the empire<li>Coming to terms with the wolf<li>Even more Star Trek mysteries solved!<li>Wrathfully searching for Home</ul>From an overview of Star Trek through the years to expert reviews of books and collector's blueprints, from an intriguing exploration of the history of the dreaded "mirror" universe to reflections on and speculations about the new TV series, here is the latest collection of fun- and fact-filled articles about the characters, episodes, movies, meanings, and new directions being explored in the ever spreading, interstellar territory of Star Trek.
| [[Datei:Best of Trek 15.jpg|150px]]
| The Best of Trek #15
| 0451450159
| 1990
| <ul><li>Time in Star Trek<li>To seek out new life and new civilizations<li>The Star Trek video and computer games<li>The Q of Gothos</ul>For more than two decades, Star Trek has worked its special magic on ever-growing legions of fans the world around, from youngsters just beginning to discover this wondrous creation to those who have been loyal viewers from the very first episode. And this latest collection of both speculative and fact-filled articles offers new insights into the TV series -- both old and new -- all five movies, the novels, comics, games, and the individual characters, revealing and resolving seeming inconsistencies, expanding our knowledge of the entire Trek universe, and reaching out to forecast the new directions Star Trek may take in the years ahead.
| [[Datei:Best of Trek16.jpg|150px]]
| The Best of Trek #16: From the Magazine for Star Trek Fans
| 0451450477
| 1991
| <ul><li>Walking the deck of the real Enterprise<li>
Falling out of standard orbit<li>
All Vulcan in one tightly wrapped package<li>
Ask not what your Federation can do for you…</ul>''Star Trek'', the original TV show, the motion pictures, the new series -- for over two decades the ideas, dreams, and imaginative vision of this media phenomenon have captured an ever-growing audience of all ages and backgrounds. Each volume in this ongoing series created by and for ''Star Trek'' fans by Walter Irwin, G.B. Love, and their fellow enthusiasts, has continued to uncover fascinating new facets of the constantly expanding Trek universe. This lates collection returns to these irresistible realms where, with the aid of the experts, you'll learn more about the inner workings of ''Star Trek: The Next Generation''… investigate some intriguing leads on Data's true origins and purpose... find out what really makes the Enterprise fly… and have a front row view of all your favorite stars, episodes, and films in -- The Best of Trek 16
| [[Datei:Best of Trek 17.jpg|150px]]
| The Best of Trek #17: From the Magazine for Star Trek Fans
| 0451454383
| 1994
| <ul><li>The gates of death<li>My brother-in-law was a ''Star Trek'' alien<li>Chart Trek: ''Star Trek'''s TV and film soundtracks<li>The Romulan Commander: the great reappearing woman</ul>It all began in the mid 1960s with a brand-new, low-budget science fiction series called ''Star Trek''. No one, not even creator Gene Roddenberry, could have foreseen how a show that was canceled after a few seasons would win the hearts of millions of devoted fans around the world. And eventually, it would spawn numerous movies, novels, comics, games, and two new television series, ''Star Trek: The Next Generation'' and ''Deep Space Nine'' -- as well as several upcoming projects still in the planning stages. For more than a decade, Walter Irwin, G.B. Love, and their fellow explorers of the Star Trek universe have been seeking out new information and lore about this fascinating realm. From the inner workings of the world of Vulcan and its people to a closer look at the relationship between Spock and Uhura to the ongoing debate about the „old“ ''Star Trek'' versus ''The Next Generation'', here is a journey you won't want to miss, a first-class excursion stopping at many ports in the ''Star Trek'' universe.
| [[Datei:Best of Trek 18.jpg|150px]]
| The Best of Trek #18: From the Magazine for Star Trek Fans
| 0451454634
| 1996
| <ul><li>A history of Spock's problem<li>A ''Star Trek'' how-to<li>Why do I love the Klingons?<li>Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Dr. Beverly Crusher</ul>From a three-season-long, low-budget TV series in the late '60s, Star Trek has expanded into a world- and culture-spanning phenomenon that includes feature films, animated cartoons, video games, novels, magazines, three other incredibly successful TV series, and huge conventions. And through the years, Walter Irwin, G.B. Love, and their fellow ''Star Trek'' fans have watched it all and explored this ever-expanding, endlessly fascinating universe in provocative articles that perfectly capture the true spirit of ''Star Trek''. The Best of Trek #18 more than lives up to this fine tradition, offering brand-new articles on everything from a one-on-one interview with Robin Curtis about her role as Saavik, to a show-by-show rating of ''The Next Generation'', and a resolution to the long-standing debate about whether Data is merely a Spock clone. No matter what your favorite topics, characters, or episodes, you're certain to find out something new about them in -- The Best of Trek #18
| [[Datei:The Best of the Best of Trek.jpg|150px]]
| The Best of the Best of Trek
| 0451450175
| 1990
| From The Best of Trek #1 through #10, the top-rated articles and investigations that have become Trek classics. Here, brought together to create this big, history-making volume, are the most intriguing, informative, and revealing contributions of the first ten The Best of Trek collections. Selected by editors Walter Irwin and G.B. Love, these not-to-be-missed writings are by fans and experts alike -- speculations, histories, analyses, opinions, and ongoing Trek experiences that expand our understanding of why ''Star Trek'' has captured the imagination and hearts of millions. They also reveal why ''Star Trek'' characters, episodes, and most especially ''Star Trek'' ideas have grown from cherished science fiction into a force powerful enough to shape our tomorrows, both at home and on the frontiers of space. For ''Star Trek'' principles of love, equality, courage, and honor can only enhance and enrich man's future.
| [[Datei:The Best of the Best of Trek II.jpg|150px]]
| The Best of the Best of Trek II
| 0451451597
| 1992
| From The Best of Trek series a veritable encyclopedia of ''Star Trek'' lore. It began as a curiosity -- that most unusual creation: a science fiction television program that boldly took us where no one had gone before. A wise and adventure-filled mixture of reality and fantasy, ''Star Trek'' was a weekly paradigm of what humankind could become. Now, twenty-five years later, the tales of a starship and her crew have evolved into a full-blown phenomenon that has produced films, a second-generation television series, bestselling books, and a plethora of conventions. Culled from the pages of The Best of Trek, the classic analyses, projections, character studies, and opinions contained herein provide a wealth of information on where Star Trek has come from and where it may be headed, with special emphasis on the changing nature of ''Star Trek: The Next Generation''. Edited by Walter Irwin and G.B. Love, here is a definitive look at the best of Trek from the fans and pros alike who share a deep and abiding love for a TV show that lives on and prospers in all its incarnations.
| [[Datei:The Best of the Best of Trek Part One.jpg|150px]]
| The Best of the Best of Trek: Part One
| 0451455584
| 1996
| From The Best of Trek #1 through #10, the top-rated articles and investigations that have become Trek classics. Here are the most intriguing, informative, and revealing contributions of the first ten The Best of Trek® collections. Selected by editors Walter Irwin and G.B. Love, these not-to-be-missed writings are by fans and experts alike - speculations, histories, analyses, opinions, and ongoing Trek experiences that expand our understanding of why ''Star Trek'' has captured the imagination and hearts of millions. They also reveal why ''Star Trek'' characters, episodes, and most especially ''Star Trek'' ideas have grown from cherished science fiction into a force powerful enough to shape our tomorrows, both at home and on the frontiers of space - for Star Trek principles of love, equality, courage, and honor can only enhance and enrich man's future.
| [[Datei:The Best of the Best of Trek Part Two.jpg|150px]]
| The Best of the Best of Trek: Part Two
| 0451455843
| 1997
| The Top-Rated Articles and Investigations That Have Become Trek Classics. Featuring more of the intriguing, informative, and revealing contributions that made Part One so fascinating, The Best of the Best of Trek: Part Two is a must read for Trekkies everywhere. Selected by editors Walter Irwin and G. B. Love, these not-to-be-missed writings are by fans and experts alike - speculations, histories, analyses, opinions, and ongoing experiences that expand our understanding of why Star Trek has captured the imagination and hearts of millions. It's nothing less than the very cream of the series that beamed so much of America's favorite science fiction subculture to so many. So climb aboard - the adventure continues!

Anonymer Benutzer
