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Star Trek: Der Film

6.051 Bytes hinzugefügt, 13:34, 21. Jun. 2004
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[[en:Star Trek: The Motion Picture]]
<i>"The human adventure is just beginning..."</i>

Die [[Erde]] wird von einer großen Wolke bedroht, die sich direkt auf den Planeten zubewegt. [[Admiral]] [[James T. Kirk|Kirk]] wird das Kommando über die Enterprise übertragen, um die Gefahr zu stoppen.

{| class="wiki-sidebar" align="right"
| class="odd"|Uraufführung (D):
| class="even"|28.03.1980
| class="odd"|Uraufführung (USA):
| class="even"|07.12.1979
| class="odd"|Jahr:
| class="even"|[[2273]]<sup>1</sup>
| class="odd"|Stardate:
| class="even"|7412.6
| class="odd"|Story:
| class="even"|[[Alan Dean Foster]]
| class="odd"|Screenplay:
| class="even"|[[Harold Livingston]]
| class="odd"|Regie:
| class="even"|[[Robert Wise]]
| class="odd"|Produzent:
| class="even"|[[Gene Roddenberry]]

<!-- A large, unknown "cloud" headed for [[Earth]] is believed to be violent when it destroys a group of [[Klingon]] [[cruiser]]s. [[Admiral]] [[James T. Kirk|Kirk]] reunites with his old crew, and assumes command of the [[USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)|Enterprise]], creating tension between him and [[Commander]] [[Will Decker]], who previously commanded the Enterprise.

En-route to the entity, [[Spock]] leaves his logic training on [[Vulcan (planet)|Vulcan]] to join the ''Enterprise''. His skills prove invaluable in saving the ''Enterprise'' from destruction by the cloud.

As they approach the core of the cloud, they find a massive structure of unknown and very advanced technology. Upon reaching the center of the structure, [[Lieutenant]] [[Ilia]] is killed, and replaced by a mechanical copy of Ilia, whose purpose is to investigate why "carbon units" have "infested" the ''Enterprise''. The crew learns from the "[[Ilia-probe]]" that entity's name is [[V'Ger]].

In order to gain more information about V'Ger, Spock, unknown to anyone else, attempts to [[mind-meld]] with V'Ger. Spock learns that V'Ger is sentient, but is searching for his creator.

In order to save [[Earth]], Kirk bluffs that he knows who the creator is, but will only divulge the information to V'Ger himself. Kirk, Spock, Bones, and Decker visit V'Ger where they find out that it is the [[Voyager VI]] space probe launched by [[NASA]], thought lost in a [[black hole]]. Evidently, the probe had crashed on a planet of "living machines" which had repaired the probe, and enabled it to complete its mission to gather all knowledge. V'Ger evidently gathered enough knowledge to achieve sentience, and know wishes to meet his creator.

Kirk has [[Uhura]] transmit the Voyager code, to prove mankind is the creator. However, V'Ger forces manual input of the code. Decker manually inputs the code, and physically joins with the V'Ger entity creating a new and unique lifeform.-->

''Die Handlung ist mit dem für die Serie [[Star Trek: Phase II]] geplanten Pilotfilm, "In Thy Image" identisch. Der Film wurde auch als [[Star Trek: Der Film (Roman)|Roman]] und als [[Star Trek (Marvel)|Comic]] in drei Teilen veröffentlicht. Andere Geschichten, die für Star Trek: Phase II geschrieben wurden, wurden später in Episoden von [[Star Trek: The Next Generation]] umgeschrieben (z.B. "[[Das Kind]]" war ursprünglich [[Ilia]]s Kind).''

==Links und Verweise==
*[[William Shatner]] als [[James T. Kirk]]
*[[Leonard Nimoy]] als [[Spock]]
*[[DeForest Kelley]] als [[Leonard McCoy]]
*[[James Doohan]] als [[Montgomery Scott]]
*[[George Takei]] als [[Hikaru Sulu]]
*[[Majel Barrett]] als [[Christine Chapel|Doktor Chapel]]
*[[Walter Koenig]] als [[Pavel Chekov]]
*[[Nichelle Nichols]] as [[Uhura]]
*[[Persis Khambatta]] as [[Ilia|Lieutenant Ilia]]
*[[Stephen Collins]] as [[Willard Decker]]
*[[Grace Lee Whitney]] as [[Janice Rand]]
*[[Mark Lenard]] as [[Klingone|Klingonischer]] [[Captain]]
*[[Billy Van Zandt]] as Alien Boy
*[[Roger Aaron Brown]] as Epsilon Technician
*[[Gary Faga]] as Airlock Technician
*[[David Gautreaux]] as [[Commander Branch]]
*[[John D. Gowans]] as Assistant to Rand
*[[Howard Itzkowitz]] as Cargo Deck Ensign
*[[Jon Rashad Kamal]] as [[Sonak|Lt. Commander Sonak]]
*[[Marcy Lafferty]] as [[DiFalco|Chief DiFalco]]
*[[Michele Ameen Billy]] as [[Lieutenant]]
*[[Jeri McBride]] as Technician
*[[Terrence O'Connor]] as [[Ross|Chief Ross]]
*[[Michael Rougas]] as [[Cleary|Lieutenant Cleary]]

[[Aaamazzarit]]en, [[Andorianer]], [[Arcturianer]], [[Betelgeuseaner]], [[Deltaner]], [[Delta IV]], [[Federation Klasse]], [[Hermes Klasse]], [[K'normian]], [[Kazarit]], [[Megarit]], [[Ptolemy Klasse]], [[Rhaandarit]], [[Rigellianer]], [[Saladin Klasse]], [[Saurianer]], [[Shamin]], [[USS Columbia]], [[USS Entente]], [[USS Revere]], [[Zaran II]]; [[Zaranite]]

# Es gibt ein kleines Problem bei der Datierung des ersten ''Star Trek'' Films: Die offizielle ''[[Star Trek Enzyklopädie]]'', geschrieben von [[Michael Okuda]], datiert den Film auf [[2271]], basierend auf der Annahme, dass zweieinhalb Jahre seit Abschluß der [[Fünf Jahre Mission]] vergangen sind. Okuda setzte die Mission der ''Enterprise'' zwischen [[2264]] und [[2269]]. Allerdings sind bei dieser Datierund die Folgen der [[TAS|Zeichentrick Serie]] nicht miteinbezogen, da sie von Okuda als nicht-[[canon]] bewertet wurden, obwohl er einzelne Elemente in seine Chronologie mit aufnahm. An die [[TOS|original Serie]] angehängt, würden diese Episoden 2269 bis [[2270]] spielen. Außerdem wurde in [[VOY]]: "[[Q2 (Episode)]]" bestätigt, dass die Mission in der Tat 2270 endete. <!-- Basierend auf Deckers Kirk, that the latter had "not logged a single star-hour in the last two and a half years." This indicates a minimum of two and a half years between the time the ''Enterprise'' returned to drydock (following the end of TAS) and the beginning of the first movie. This interim places TMP some time in 2273.-->

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