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James Tiberius Kirk

89 Bytes hinzugefügt, 09:09, 14. Jul. 2004
=Spätere Karriere=
==Spätere Karriere==
Nach der Rückkehr der ''Enterprise'' von ihrer [[Fünf-Jahres-Mission]] im Jahr [[2270]] wurde Kirk zum [[Admiral]] befördert und wurde [[Chef der Einsatzplanung]], während die ''Enterprise'', nun auf Vorschlag von Kirk unter dem Kommando von [[Willard Decker]], im [[Raumdock]] umgerüstet wurde. [[2273|Zweieinhalb]] Jahre später übernahm Kirk das Kommando über das Schiff, als die [[Erde]] von [[V'Ger]] bedroht wurde, er akzeptierte zu diesem Zweck eine vorübergehende Dienstgradherabsetzung zum Captain (''"[[Star Trek: Der Film]]"''). Kirk trat [[2281]] aus dem Aktiven Dienst zurück und hatte kurze Zeit später eine Beziehung mit [[Antonia]] ("''[[Star TrekVII: Treffen der Generationen]]''").
Kirk was an intensely driven individual who loved the outdoors. A personal challenge that nearly cost him his life was free-climbing the sheer El Capitan mountain face in Yosemite National Park on Earth. ("Star Trek V: The Final Frontier") He was an accomplished equestrian, and kept a horse at a mountain cabin that he owned during his first retirement. Another companion at his mountain cabin was Butler, his Great dane. He sold the cabin sometime after his return to Starfleet. ("Star Trek: Generations")
Kirk returned to Starfleet in kehrte im Jahr [[2284 ]] zur Sternenflotte zurück (''"[[Star TrekVII: GenerationsTreffen der Generationen]]"'') and became a und wurde staff instructor with the rank of im Rang eines [[Admiral at Starfleet Academy]]s an der [[Sternenflotten-Akademie]]. Kirk was dissatisfied with ground assignment, and returned to active duty in war unzufrieden mit seiner Bodenpersonal-Rolle und nahm den aktiven Dienst [[2285 when ]] wieder auf als [[Khan Noonien Singh hijacked the Starship ]] die [[USS Reliant and stole the ]] entführte und die [[Genesis DeviceSonde]] stahl. Kirk's close friend, Dabei starb Kirks enger Freund [[Spock]], was killed als er in that incident when he entered an area flooded by radiation in order to carry out critical repairs to the ship einem strahlenverseuchten Raum Reparaturen ausführte, ohne die das Schiff zerstört worden wäre (''"[[Star Trek II: The Wrath of Der Zorn des Khan]]"''). Upon learning that Spock's katra had survived, Kirk and his senior officers of the USS Enterprise stole the ship from Earth Spacedock in order to recover the re-animated body of Spock from the Genesis Planet and bring it to Vulcan, where Spock was brought back to life when body and katra were reunited. Kirk ordered the Enterprise's destruction in the incident to prevent its capture by Klingons. ("Star Trek III: The Search for Spock") Kirk and his officers was charged with nine violations of Starfleet regulations and subsequently surrendered for court martial for their actions in appropriating the Enterprise, but in light of their actions all charges where dismissed with the exception of one charge against Admiral Kirk, of disobeying a superior officer. Kirk was found guilty. The Federation Council was nonetheless so grateful for Kirk's role in saving Earth (from the devastating effects of an alien probe which was causing massive environmental damage while attempting to communicate with an extinct species of whale) that Kirk was merely sentenced to reduction in rank to Captain and assigned command of the second Starship USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A). ("Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home") Kirk commanded this ship for a further seven years.
His carreer culminated in his escorting of Klingon Chancellor Gorkon to Earth for a peace conference in 2293. Kirk carried the bitterness for his son's murder for years, and opposed Gorkon's peace initiative. He especially resented the fact that he was chosen as the Federation's olive branch. During that mission, assassins from among his crew killed the Chancellor. Kirk (along with McCoy) was subsequently arrested and wrongly convicted for the murder of Gorkon by Federation and Klingon forces conspiring to block Gorkon's initiatives. Sentenced to the infamous Rura Penthe penal asteroid, known throughout the galaxy as the "Aliens Graveyard" and reputed to be escape proof, Kirk and McCoy rapidly escaped. He took the Enterprise to Khitomer to prevent another assassination attempt, this time on the Federation president, and saved the historic Khitomer Conference from further attacks. Kirk retired from Starfleet a second time about three months after the Khitomer accords were signed. ("Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country")
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