=Chronologie=, teilübersetzt + Hintergrundinformationen
*[[2233]] Born 22. März, Kirk wird in Riverside, Iowa on Earth. auf der [[Erde]] geboren*[[2250]] Qualified for entry to Starfleet Academybesteht Eingangsprüfung für die [[Sternenflotten-Akademie]]; served on board the diente auf der [[USS Republic during this year]]. *[[2254]] Graduated Starfleet Academy. Served aboard the USS Farragut during this year.
* [[2263]] Promoted to Captain, placed in command of the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701).
* [[2266]] Destroys a Romulan bird of Prey which has crossed the Neutral Zone and attacked several Federation outposts.
* [[2293]] Responsible for saving the Khitomer Conference, along with Captain Hikaru Sulu of the USS Excelsior. Retires from Starfleet and is subsequently believed killed during the maiden voyage of the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-B).
* [[2371]] Emerges from the Nexus, killed at Veridian III.
: ''Kirk wurde von [[William Shatner]] gespielt, seine Synchronstimme erhielt er fast außschließlich von [[Gert-Günter Hoffmann]].''