=Die Jahre auf der Akademie=
==Die Jahre auf der Akademie==
Kirk served as arbeitete an instructor at the academyder Akademie als Ausbilder, and wo [[Gary Mitchell was one of his students]] einer seiner Schüler war. The two were good friends, and once Die Zwei waren gute Freunde und einmal fing Mitchell took a poisonous dart on auf [[Dimorus meant for Kirk]] einen Giftpfeil ab, saving der für Kirk's lifebestimmt war und rettete damit dessen Leben. Mitchell set up machte Kirk with a auch mit einer ''"little blonde lab techniciankleinen, blonden Labortechnikerin" whom '' bekannt, die Kirk almost married schließlich heiratete (''TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before[[Die Spitze des Eisberges]]"''). Another of Kirk's friends from his Academy days was Ein anderer Schulfreund Kirks war [[Ben Finney]], who named his daughter, der seine Tochter [[Jamie Finney|Jamie after ]] nach Kirkbenannte. A rift developed between Ein Bruch entstand zwischen Finney and und Kirk around um [[2250 when the two were serving together on the ]] als beide auf der USS RepublicDienst taten. Kirk logged a mistake that meldete einen von Finney had madebegangenen Fehler, and weswegen Finney blamed Kirk for his subsequent failure to earn command of a starship dsfür verantwortlich machte, daß er nie das Kommando über ein Raumschiff erhielt. (''TOS: "Court Martial[[Kirk unter Anklage]]")''.
At the academy, James Kirk earned something of a reputation for himself as having been the only cadet ever to have beaten the feared "no-win" Kobayashi Maru scenario, which tests a cadet's response to a scenario in which victory is impossible. Kirk repeatedly refused to accept his failure to win. On his third attempt Kirk did it by secretly reprogramming the simulation computer to make it possible to win, earning a commendation for original thinking in the process. ("Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan")