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Alle [[Telemetrie]]- und [[Kommunikation]]sdaten der Prototypen werden an NX-Control übermittelt. Der Pilot steht oft in Kontakt mit einem zweiten Piloten am Boden, der ihm Anweisungen gibt. [[2143]] ist [[Jonathan Archer]] der Flight Director des ersten Warp-2-Flugs von [[A.G. Robinson]] in der [[NX-Alpha]]. ({{ENT|Erstflug}})
Alle [[Telemetrie]]- und [[Kommunikation]]sdaten der Prototypen werden an NX-Control übermittelt. Der Pilot steht oft in Kontakt mit einem zweiten Piloten am Boden, der ihm Anweisungen gibt. [[2143]] ist [[Jonathan Archer]] der Flight Director des ersten Warp-2-Flugs von [[A.G. Robinson]] in der [[NX-Alpha]]. ({{ENT|Erstflug}})
== Hintergrundinformationen ==
== Hintergrundinformationen ==
{{HGI|Die [[Star Trek Enzyklopädie]] (4. Auflage, Band 2, S. 93) gibt weitere Informationen zu NX-Control an: "Like NASA's real-life mission-control rooms, the upper walls of NX Mission Control were decorated with mission and program emblems. These included the Earth Cargo Service, Zefram Cochrane's Phoenix from [[Star Trek: Der erste Kontakt|Star Trek: First Contact]], the United Earth/UESPA emblem from the "[[Der Käfig|The Cage]]" ([[TOS]]), and a mission patch for the first Earth-Saturn probe, mentioned in "[[Morgen ist Gestern|Tomorrow is Yesterday]]". (TOS) [...] A "Starfleet Mission Control" emblem on the wall features the sigma symbol that represents teamwork to the real NASA mission control team, as well as their motto "Res Gesta Per Excellentiam", translating as "Achievement through Excellence". The room number on the door of the NX Mission Control room, 2306, was the same as the room number of the main Space Shuttle Mission Control Room at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston. Three-real life U.S. Navy sailors, voted "Sailors of the Year" from the aircraft carrier Enterprise, had cameo roles as VIPs present in the NX Mission Control room during Robinson's flight. They were [[James D. Frey]], [[Kathleen J. Grant]], and [[Thomas P. Hunt]]."}}
{{HGI|Die [[Star Trek Enzyklopädie]] (4. Auflage, Band 2, S. 93) gibt weitere Informationen zu NX-Control an: "Like NASA's real-life mission-control rooms, the upper walls of NX Mission Control were decorated with mission and program emblems. These included the Earth Cargo Service, Zefram Cochrane's Phoenix from [[Star Trek: Der Erste Kontakt|Star Trek: First Contact]], the United Earth/UESPA emblem from the "[[Der Käfig|The Cage]]" ([[TOS]]), and a mission patch for the first Earth-Saturn probe, mentioned in "[[Morgen ist Gestern|Tomorrow is Yesterday]]". (TOS) [...] A "Starfleet Mission Control" emblem on the wall features the sigma symbol that represents teamwork to the real NASA mission control team, as well as their motto "Res Gesta Per Excellentiam", translating as "Achievement through Excellence". The room number on the door of the NX Mission Control room, 2306, was the same as the room number of the main Space Shuttle Mission Control Room at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston. Three-real life U.S. Navy sailors, voted "Sailors of the Year" from the aircraft carrier Enterprise, had cameo roles as VIPs present in the NX Mission Control room during Robinson's flight. They were [[James D. Frey]], [[Kathleen J. Grant]], and [[Thomas P. Hunt]]."}}
[[Kategorie: Organisation]]
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