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Aktuelle Version Dein Text
Zeile 5.314: Zeile 5.314:
| Episode ''The Rescue of the Strangers'' von ''Boots and Saddles''
| Episode ''The Rescue of the Strangers'' von ''Boots and Saddles''
| {{Datum|2024-10-21T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
| {{Datum|2024-10-21T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 37</small>
| ''Brink''
| {{PRO|Am Rande des Abgrunds}}
| {{Datum|2024-10-15T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 549
! 549
Zeile 5.329: Zeile 5.324:
| [[LDS Staffel 5]]
| [[LDS Staffel 5]]
| {{Datum|2024-10-24T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
| {{Datum|2024-10-24T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 53
| Gene-ology: Beyond Atlas
| Drehbuch ''Beyond Atlas'' für eine nicht produzierte Serie mit dem Arbeitstitel "West Point, but for the Air Force Academy"
| {{Datum|2024-10-28T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 242</small>
| The Best Exotic Nanite Hotel
| {{LDS|The Best Exotic Nanite Hotel}}
| {{Datum|2024-10-31T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 550
| ''Equinox''
| {{VOY|Equinox, Teil I}}
| {{Datum|2024-11-01T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Episode Supplemental">ORVILLE SUPPL</abbr> 11</small>
| David A. Goodman
| Interview mit [[David A. Goodman]]
| {{Datum|2024-11-04T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 551
| ''Equinox, Part II''
| {{VOY|Equinox, Teil II}}
| {{Datum|2024-11-07T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 38</small>
| ''Touch of Grey''
| {{PRO|Wagemut ist kein Privileg der Jugend}}
| {{Datum|2024-11-07T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 3
| Gene-ology Suppl: Have Not Takes, Will Travel
| {{Datum|2024-11-11T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 243</small>
| A Farewell To Farms
| {{LDS|A Farewell To Farms}}
| {{Datum|2024-11-12T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 552
| ''Survival Instinct''
| {{VOY|Überlebensinstinkt}}
| {{Datum|2024-11-14T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 39</small>
| ''Ouroboros Part I''
| {{PRO|Die Zeitschleife, Teil I}}
| {{Datum|2024-11-14T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 54
| Gene-ology: Karate
| Episode "Karate" von ''Kein Fall für FBI''
| {{Datum|2024-11-18T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"R
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 40</small>
| ''Ouroboros Part II''
| {{PRO|Die Zeitschleife, Teil II}}
| {{Datum|2024-11-19T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 244</small>
| Starbase 80?!
| {{LDS|Sternenbasis 80?!}}
| {{Datum|2024-11-12T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 245</small>
| Of Gods and Angels
| {{LDS|Of Gods and Angels}}
| {{Datum|2024-11-19T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 553
| ''Barge of the Dead''
| {{VOY|Die Barke der Toten}}
| {{Datum|2024-11-21T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 55
| Gene-ology: Blue Fire
| Episode ''Blue Fire'' von ''Kein Fall für FBI''
| {{Datum|2024-11-25T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 246</small>
| Fully Dilated
| {{LDS|Fully Dilated}}
| {{Datum|2024-11-19T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy Supplemental">PRO SUPPL</abbr> 16</small>
| Prodigy Season 2 Recap
| [[PRO Staffel 2]]
| {{Datum|2024-11-26T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 247</small>
| Upper Decks
| {{LDS|Upper Decks}}
| {{Datum|2024-11-26T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 56
| Gene-ology: Sundance and the Black Widow
| Episode ''Sundance and the Black Widow'' von Sam Rolfes ''Hotel de Paree''
| {{Datum|2024-12-02T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 248</small>
| Fissure Quest
| {{LDS|Fissure Quest}}
| {{Datum|2024-12-02T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 57
| Gene-ology: 333 Montgomery
| Unveröffentlichter Serienpilot ''333 Montgomery''
| {{Datum|2024-12-09T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 554
| ''Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy''
| {{VOY|Dame, Doktor, As, Spion}}
| {{Datum|2024-12-10T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy Supplemental">PRO SUPPL</abbr> 17</small>
| Prodigy Season 2 with the Hageman Brothers
| [[PRO Staffel 2]]
| {{Datum|2024-12-10T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
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