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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
[[I've Got the World on a String]] ist ein [[Song]] aus dem Repertoire von [[Vic Fontaine]].
''[[I've Got the World on a String]]'' ist ein [[Musik|Song]] aus dem Repertoire von [[Vic Fontaine]]. ({{DS9|Leben in der Holosuite}})
[[Nog]] hört es als er auf [[AR-558]] verwundet wird und hört es ununterbrochen als er nach [[Deep Space 9]] zurückkehrt. ({{DS9|Die Belagerung von AR-558|Leben in der Holosuite}})
Zeile 8: Zeile 9:
I’m sitting on a rainbow
I’m sitting on a rainbow
Got the string around my finger
Got the string around my finger
What a world, what a life I’m in love
What a world, what a life - I’m in love
I’ve got a song that I sing
I’ve got a song that I sing
I can make the rain go
I can make the rain go
Any time I move my finger
Any time I move my finger
Lucky me, can’t you see I’m in love
Lucky me, can’t you see - I’m in love
Life’s a beautiful thing
Life’s a beautiful thing
Zeile 23: Zeile 24:
I’m sitting on a rainbow
I’m sitting on a rainbow
Got the string around my finger
Got the string around my finger
What a world, what a life I’m in love
What a world, what a life - I’m in love
Life’s a beautiful thing
Life’s a beautiful thing
Zeile 33: Zeile 34:
I’m sitting on a rainbow
I’m sitting on a rainbow
Got the string around my finger
Got the string around my finger
What a world and this is a life, hey now I’m still in love  
What a world and this is a life, hey now - I’m still in love  
{{Navigationsleiste Repertoire von Vic Fontaine}}
==Externe Links==
==Externe Links==
*[ ''I've Got the World on a String'' interpretation von Frank Sinatra] anhören bei []  
*[ ''I've Got the World on a String'' interpretation von Frank Sinatra] anhören bei []  
*['ve+Got+the+World+on+a+String?autostart ''I've Got the World on a String'' interpretation von Louis Armstrong] anhören []
*['ve+Got+the+World+on+a+String?autostart ''I've Got the World on a String'' interpretation von Louis Armstrong] anhören []
*[ ''I've Got the World on a String'' interpretation von Ella Fitzgerald] anhören []
*[ ''I've Got the World on a String'' interpretation von Ella Fitzgerald] anhören []
[[en:I've Got the World on a String]]
[[en:I've Got the World on a String]]
[[fr:I've Got the World on a String]]
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