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Memory Alpha Nova β

Bearbeiten von „Here's to the Losers“

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Aktuelle Version Dein Text
Zeile 3: Zeile 3:
:''Here's to those who love not too wisely, know not wisely, but too well''
Here's to those who love not too wisely, know not wisely, but too well
:''To the girl who sighs with envy when she hears that wedding bell''
To the girl who sighs with envy when she hears that wedding bell
:''To the guy who'd throw a party if he knew someone to call''
To the guy who'd throw a party if he knew someone to call
:''Here's to the losers, bless them all''
Here's to the losers, bless them all
Hey, Tom, Dick and Harry, come in out of the rain
:''Hey, Tom, Dick and Harry, come in out of the rain''
Those torches you carry must be drowned in champagne
:''Those torches you carry must be drowned in champagne''
Here's the last toast of the evening, here's to those who still believe
:''Here's the last toast of the evening, here's to those who still believe''
All the losers will be winners, all the givers shall receive
:''All the losers will be winners, all the givers shall receive''
Here's to trouble-free tomorrows, may your sorrows all be small
:''Here's to trouble-free tomorrows, may your sorrows all be small''
Here's to the losers, here's to the losers, here's to the losers,
:''Here's to the losers, here's to the losers, here's to the losers,''
Bless them all!
:''Bless them all!''
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