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#REDIRECT [[Cardassia: Die Lotusblume]]
{{Löschkandidat}} --[[Benutzer:Klossi|Klossi]] ([[Benutzer Diskussion:Klossi|Diskussion]]) 07:17, 15. Sep. 2015 (UTC)
              Titel= Cardassia – Andor
|      OriginalTitel=
|      OriginalLink=
|          ST-Serie= DS9
|              Serie= Die Welten von Deep Space Nine
|              Cover= Worlds of Star Trek Deep Space Nine 1.jpg
|              Autor= Una McCormack
|            Autor2= Heather Jarman
|            Autor3= 
|    ErsteSternzeit=
|    LetzteSternzeit=
|              Jahr= 2376
|          Releases=
''[[Cardassia – Andor]]'' ist der Titel, unter dem die beiden Einzelromane ''[[Cardassia: Die Lotusblume]]'' und ''[[Andor: Paradigma]]'' als ein gemeinsamer Band erschienen sind.
== Inhalt ==
{{Buchrückentext|Within every federation and every empire, behind every hero and every villain, there are the worlds that define them. In the aftermath of Unity and in the daring tradition of Spock's World, The Final Reflection, and A Stitch in Time, the civilizations most closely tied to Star Trek: Deep Space Nine can now be experienced as never before... in tales both sweeping and intimate, reflective and prophetic, eerily familiar and utterly alien.
CARDASSIA: The last world ravaged by the Dominion War is also the last on which Miles O'Brien ever imagined building a life. As he joins in the reconstruction of Cardassia's infrastructure, his wife Keiko spearheads the planet's difficult agricultural renewal. But Cardassia's struggle to remake itself – from the fledgling democracy backed by Elim Garak to the people's rediscovery of their own spiritual past – is not without opposition, as the outside efforts to help rebuild its civilization come under attack by those who reject any alien influence.
ANDOR: On the eve of a great celebration of their ancient past, the unusual and mysterious Andorians, a species with four sexes, must decide just how much they are willing to sacrifice in order to ensure their survival. Biological necessity clashes with personal ethics; cultural obligation vies with love – and Ensign Thirishar ch'Thane returns home to the planet he forswore, to face not only the consequences of his choices, but a clandestine plan to alter the very nature of his kind.}}
== Hintergrundinformationen ==
{{HGI|Der Sammelband erschien bislang nicht in deutscher Fassung.}}
{{Navigationsleiste Roman|vor=|weiter=Trill – Bajor|Serie=Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (Pocket Books)}}
[[cs:Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Volume 1]]
[[en:Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Volume 1]]
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