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This is the result of a crawl through all pages in es, fr, nl, sv, pl, and de with outomatic lookup to identical pagetitle in MA/en:
Diese Seite ist ein Resultat der Interwiki-Sammlung am 22. Oktober. Jeder ist herzlich eingeladen die Probleme (sofern vorhanden) zu entfernen. Permanente Probleme bitte als solche kennzeichen, ich füge sie dann der Ignore-Liste des Bots hinzu.
[[en:User:Morn/autonomous_problems]] [[nl:Gebruiker:Morn/autonomous_problems]]
== es-->en ==
* [[Alphastrahlung]] {removing: en}
* [[:es:Babel]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[Andor]] {Found link to [[de:Andoria]]}
* [[:es:Azati Prime]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[Astrometrisches Labor]] {Found link to [[de:Astrometrie]]}
* [[:es:Borderland]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[Aufbruch ins Unbekannte, Teil II]] {Found link to [[de:Aufbruch ins Unbekannte, Teil I]]}
* [[:es:Broken Bow]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[Beamen]] {Found link to [[de:Transporter]]}
* [[:es:Broken Bow]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:sv}
* [[B'rel-Typ]] {Found link to [[de:Klingonischer Bird-of-Prey]]}
* [[:es:Cardassians]] {Found link to [[:es:Categoría:Cardassianos]]}
* [[Benjamin Sisko]] {removing: nl}
* [[:es:Cardassians]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[Bernadette Fuller]] {Found link to [[de:Nadet]]}
* [[:es:Cardassians]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[Burke]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:es:Clase K'vort]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[Bryan Singer]] {removing: en}
* [[:es:Dewan]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[Chandra]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:es:Emissary]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[Carstairs]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:es:Factor warp]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[Cardassianer]] {removing: nl}
* [[:es:Haven]] {Found link to [[:es:Haven (planeta)]]}
* [[Cardassianer]] {removing: nl}
* [[:es:J. Michael Bingham]] {Found link to [[:es:DC Fontana]]}
* [[Cogenitor]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:es:Katherine Janeway]] {Found link to [[:es:Kathryn Janeway]]}
* [[Cytoglobin]] {removing: en}
* [[:es:Kir'Shara]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[Crishnar Katze]] {removing: en}
* [[:es:Klingons]] {Found link to [[:es:Categoría:Klingons]]}
* [[Coridan]] {Found link to [[de:Coridianer]]}
* [[:es:Klingons]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[Coridan]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:es:Klingons]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[Das, was du zurückläßt, Teil II]] {Found link to [[de:Das, was du zurückläßt, Teil I]]}
* [[:es:Klingons]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:fr}
* [[Das ungewisse Dunkel, Teil II]] {Found link to [[de:Das ungewisse Dunkel, Teil I]]}
* [[:es:Malurian]] {Found link to [[:es:Malurianos]]}
* [[Deflektorschüssel]] {Found link to [[de:Deflektorschild]]}
* [[:es:Matt McCoy]] {Found link to [[:es:Matt Mccoy]]}
* [[Der Abgesandte, Teil II]] {Found link to [[de:Der Abgesandte, Teil I]]}
* [[:es:Minefield]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[Der Himmel von Armageddon]] {removing: en}
* [[:es:Nathan Butler]] {Found link to [[:es:Jerry Sohl]]}
* [[Der Fürsorger, Teil II]] {Found link to [[de:Der Fürsorger, Teil I]]}
* [[:es:Phage]] {Found link to [[:es:Fago]]}
* [[Der Weg des Kriegers, Teil II]] {Found link to [[de:Der Weg des Kriegers, Teil I]]}
* [[:es:Phage]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[Der Überlebende (Roman)]] {removing: en}
* [[:es:Regeneration]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[Die Expertin]] {removing: en}
* [[:es:Ramatis]] {Found link to [[:es:Ramatis III]]}
* [[Die Trek-Crew von Picard bis Troy]] {removing: en}
* [[:es:Shore Leave]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[Die falschen Engel]] {removing: en}
* [[:es:Shore Leave]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[Dreadnought]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:es:Smith]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[Dikobalt]] {removing: en}
* [[:es:Singularity]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[Elaine Nalee]] {removing: en}
* [[:es:Tallera]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[Epsilon IX]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:es:Terra Prime]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[Enterprise (NX-01)]] {removing: nl}
* [[:es:Up The Long Ladder]] {Found link to [[:es:Up the Long Ladder]]}
* [[Enterprise (NX-01)]] {removing: nl}
* [[:es:USS Saratoga]] {Found link to [[:es:USS Saratoga (NCC 31911)]]}
* [[Enterprise: Die erste Mission]] {removing: en}
* [[:es:USS Olympic]] {Found link to [[:es:Clase Olympic]]}
* [[Endspiel, Teil II]] {Found link to [[de:Endspiel, Teil I]]}
* [[:es:USS New Orleans]] {Found link to [[:es:Clase New Orleans]]}
* [[Europa]] {removing: en}
* [[:es:USS Nebula]] {Found link to [[:es:Clase Nebula]]}
* [[Ferris]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:es:USS Danube]] {Found link to [[:es:Clase Danube]]}
* [[Executive Officer]] {Found link to [[de:Erster Offizier]]}
* [[:es:USS Danube]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[Galaxis in Gefahr!]] {removing: en}
* [[:es:USS Ambassador]] {Found link to [[:es:Clase Ambassador]]}
* [[Frontlinien]] {removing: en}
* [[:es:USS Ambassador]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[Fremde vom Himmel]] {removing: en}
* [[:es:USS Saratoga (NCC 31911)]] {Found link to [[:es:USS Saratoga]]}
* [[Fleisch und Blut, Teil II]] {Found link to [[de:Fleisch und Blut, Teil I]]}
* [[:es:USS Saratoga (NCC 1867)]] {Found link to [[:es:USS Saratoga]]}
* [[Geodätische Strahlung]] {removing: en}
* [[:es:USS Saratoga (NCC 1867)]] {Found link to [[:es:USS Saratoga (NCC 31911)]]}
* [[Gestern, Heute, Morgen, Teil II]] {Found link to [[de:Gestern, Heute, Morgen, Teil I]]}
* [[:es:USS Sovereign]] {Found link to [[:es:Clase Sovereign]]}
* [[Gimar IV]] {removing: en}
* [[:es:USS Sovereign]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[Hawk]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:es:Vulcan]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[Harry Bernard, Sr.]] {removing: en}
* [[:es:Vulcan]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[Harry Bernard]] {removing: en}
* [[:es:Vulcan]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[Glinn]] {removing: en}
* [[:es:Vulcan]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:fr}
* [[Hauptseite/temp3]] {Found link to [[de:Hauptseite]]}
* [[:es:Who Watches The Watchers?]] {Found link to [[:es:Who Watches the Watchers?]]}
* [[Hauptseite/temp2]] {Found link to [[de:Hauptseite]]}
* [[:es:When the Bough Breaks]] {Found link to [[:es:When The Bough Breaks]]}
* [[Hauptseite/temp]] {Found link to [[de:Hauptseite]]}
* [[:es:Yridians]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[Holodeck]] {removing: nl}
== fr-->en ==
* [[ISS Enterprise]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:fr:16ème siècle]] {Found link to [[:fr:17ème siècle]]}
* [[Hüllenpolarisation]] {Found link to [[de:Hüllenpanzerung]]}
* [[:fr:16ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[Hüllenpolarisation]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:fr:16ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[Hotel Royale]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:fr:16ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[Isak]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:15ème siècle]] {Found link to [[:fr:16ème siècle]]}
* [[Interface]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:fr:15ème siècle]] {Found link to [[:fr:17ème siècle]]}
* [[Injektionsröhrchen]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:15ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[Isolytische Bombe]] {Found link to [[de:Subraumwaffe]]}
* [[:fr:15ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[Jeremy Kemp]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:15ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[Kahless]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:fr:14ème siècle]] {Found link to [[:fr:16ème siècle]]}
* [[K'Vort-Typ]] {Found link to [[de:Klingonischer Bird-of-Prey]]}
* [[:fr:14ème siècle]] {Found link to [[:fr:17ème siècle]]}
* [[Katie]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:14ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[Klingonen-Gambit]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:14ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[Klasse R]] {Found link to [[de:Planetenklassifizierung]]}
* [[:fr:14ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[Kortikalmonitor]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:13ème siècle]] {Found link to [[:fr:16ème siècle]]}
* [[Langstrecken-Subraumsprengkopf]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:13ème siècle]] {Found link to [[:fr:17ème siècle]]}
* [[Kumari]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:fr:13ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[Leda]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:13ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[Legat]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:13ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[Liste der Sprengstoffe]] {Found link to [[de:Liste der Materialien und Substanzen]]}
* [[:fr:12ème siècle]] {Found link to [[:fr:16ème siècle]]}
* [[Liste der Ärzte]] {Found link to [[de:Doktor]]}
* [[:fr:12ème siècle]] {Found link to [[:fr:17ème siècle]]}
* [[Metamorphose (Roman)]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:12ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[Meridian]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:fr:12ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[Melian]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:12ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[Mission Farpoint]] {Found link to [[de:Der Mächtige]]}
* [[:fr:11ème siècle]] {Found link to [[:fr:16ème siècle]]}
* [[Michael Owen]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:11ème siècle]] {Found link to [[:fr:17ème siècle]]}
* [[Moody]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:11ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[Möbius Inversion]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:11ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[Nightingale]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:fr:11ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[Nichols]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:fr:10ème siècle]] {Found link to [[:fr:16ème siècle]]}
* [[New York]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:fr:10ème siècle]] {Found link to [[:fr:17ème siècle]]}
* [[Neutronenstrahlung]] {Found link to [[de:Neutron]]}
* [[:fr:10ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[Operation Watson]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:10ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[Ooolaner]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:10ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[Odona]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:1900s]] {Found link to [[:fr:20ème siècle]]}
* [[Piper]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:fr:1900s]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[Photonischer Disruptor]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:1900s]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[Priaxat]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:1900s]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:sv}
* [[Quadrotriticale]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:fr:1900s]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[Q2]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:fr:1er siècle]] {Found link to [[:fr:16ème siècle]]}
* [[Q]] {removing: nl}
* [[:fr:1er siècle]] {Found link to [[:fr:17ème siècle]]}
* [[Q]] {removing: nl}
* [[:fr:1er siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[Rawlens]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:1er siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[Rashella]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:1er siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[Rixx]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:fr:1er millénaire BCE]] {Found link to [[:fr:16ème siècle]]}
* [[Romane]] {removing: nl}
* [[:fr:1er millénaire BCE]] {Found link to [[:fr:17ème siècle]]}
* [[SS]] {Found link to [[de:Schutzstaffel]]}
* [[:fr:1er millénaire BCE]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[Ruby (Club 602)]] {Found link to [[de:Ruby]]}
* [[:fr:1er millénaire BCE]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[Sarina]] {Found link to [[de:Sarina Douglas]]}
* [[:fr:1er millénaire BCE]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[Sarina]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:fr:33ème siècle]] {Found link to [[:fr:Futur lointain]]}
* [[Solid]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:fr:32ème siècle]] {Found link to [[:fr:Futur lointain]]}
* [[Skorpion, Teil I]] {Found link to [[de:Skorpion]]}
* [[:fr:9ème siècle]] {Found link to [[:fr:16ème siècle]]}
* [[Sektor]] {Found link to [[de:Stellarkartographie]]}
* [[:fr:9ème siècle]] {Found link to [[:fr:17ème siècle]]}
* [[Star Trek: 25th Anniversary (GameBoy)]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:9ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[Spock, Messias!]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:9ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[Sol System]] {Found link to [[de:Sol]]}
* [[:fr:9ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[Spiele]] {removing: nl}
* [[:fr:8ème siècle]] {Found link to [[:fr:16ème siècle]]}
* [[Spiele]] {removing: nl}
* [[:fr:8ème siècle]] {Found link to [[:fr:17ème siècle]]}
* [[Star Trek: The Next Generation (GameBoy)]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:8ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[Star Trek (Pocket Books)]] {Found link to [[de:Classic Serie (Heyne)]]}
* [[:fr:8ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[Stern]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:fr:8ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[Stefan Gierasch]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:7ème siècle]] {Found link to [[:fr:16ème siècle]]}
* [[Staros Keniclius]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:7ème siècle]] {Found link to [[:fr:17ème siècle]]}
* [[T'lokan Shisma]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:7ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[T'Plana-Hath]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:fr:7ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[Taggart]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:7ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[Terrelianische Seeschote]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:6ème siècle]] {Found link to [[:fr:16ème siècle]]}
* [[Tenkarianische Küste]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:6ème siècle]] {Found link to [[:fr:17ème siècle]]}
* [[Temporale Strahlung]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:6ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[Thoronstrahlung]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:6ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[The Making of Star Trek]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:6ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[Tesnianer]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:5ème siècle]] {Found link to [[:fr:16ème siècle]]}
* [[Tesnia]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:5ème siècle]] {Found link to [[:fr:17ème siècle]]}
* [[Terra Nova-Kolonie]] {Found link to [[de:Terra Nova]]}
* [[:fr:5ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[Toron-Emitter]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:5ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[Tödliches Dreieck]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:5ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[USS Defiant]] {Found link to [[de:USS Defiant (NX-74205)]]}
* [[:fr:5ème millénaire BCE]] {Found link to [[:fr:16ème siècle]]}
* [[Unity]] {Found link to [[de:Die Kooperative]]}
* [[:fr:5ème millénaire BCE]] {Found link to [[:fr:17ème siècle]]}
* [[Unity]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:fr:5ème millénaire BCE]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[Valiant]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:fr:5ème millénaire BCE]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[Valeda Innis]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:5ème millénaire BCE]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[Ventu]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:4ème siècle]] {Found link to [[:fr:16ème siècle]]}
* [[Xelo]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:4ème siècle]] {Found link to [[:fr:17ème siècle]]}
* [[Zeitkapsel (31. Jahrhundert)]] {Found link to [[de:Zeitkapsel]]}
* [[:fr:4ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[Überlebende]] {removing: en}
* [[:fr:4ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:fr:4ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[:fr:4ème millénaire BCE]] {Found link to [[:fr:16ème siècle]]}
* [[:fr:4ème millénaire BCE]] {Found link to [[:fr:17ème siècle]]}
* [[:fr:4ème millénaire BCE]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:fr:4ème millénaire BCE]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:fr:4ème millénaire BCE]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[:fr:3ème siècle]] {Found link to [[:fr:16ème siècle]]}
* [[:fr:3ème siècle]] {Found link to [[:fr:17ème siècle]]}
* [[:fr:3ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:fr:3ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:fr:3ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[:fr:3ème millénaire BCE]] {Found link to [[:fr:16ème siècle]]}
* [[:fr:3ème millénaire BCE]] {Found link to [[:fr:17ème siècle]]}
* [[:fr:3ème millénaire BCE]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:fr:3ème millénaire BCE]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:fr:3ème millénaire BCE]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[:fr:2ème siècle]] {Found link to [[:fr:16ème siècle]]}
* [[:fr:2ème siècle]] {Found link to [[:fr:17ème siècle]]}
* [[:fr:2ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:fr:2ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:fr:2ème siècle]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[:fr:2ème millénaire BCE]] {Found link to [[:fr:16ème siècle]]}
* [[:fr:2ème millénaire BCE]] {Found link to [[:fr:17ème siècle]]}
* [[:fr:2ème millénaire BCE]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:fr:2ème millénaire BCE]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:fr:2ème millénaire BCE]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[:fr:Animaux de la Terre]] {Found link to [[:fr:Catégorie:Animaux de la Terre]]}
* [[:fr:Andoriens]] {Found link to [[:fr:Catégorie:Andoriens]]}
* [[:fr:Andoriens]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:fr:Andoriens]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[:fr:Bataille de Torros III]] {Found link to [[:fr:Torros III]]}
* [[:fr:Bataille de Torros III]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:fr:Bataille de Torros III]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[:fr:Boliens]] {Found link to [[:fr:Catégorie:Boliens]]}
* [[:fr:Boliens]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:fr:Boliens]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[:fr:Broken Bow]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:fr:Broken Bow]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:sv}
* [[:fr:Cardassiens]] {Found link to [[:fr:Catégorie:Cardassiens]]}
* [[:fr:Cardassiens]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:fr:Cardassiens]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[:fr:Bétazoïdes]] {Found link to [[:fr:Catégorie:Bétazoïdes]]}
* [[:fr:Bétazoïdes]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[:fr:Emissary]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:fr:Ferengis]] {Found link to [[:fr:Catégorie:Ferengis]]}
* [[:fr:Ferengis]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:fr:Ferengis]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[:fr:Gold Key Comics]] {Found link to [[:fr:Golden Press]]}
* [[:fr:Gold Key Comics]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:fr:Klingons]] {Found link to [[:fr:Catégorie:Klingons]]}
* [[:fr:Klingons]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:fr:Klingons]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[:fr:Rick K. Berman]] {Found link to [[:fr:Rick Berman (Amiral)]]}
* [[:fr:Romuliens]] {Found link to [[:fr:Catégorie:Romuliens]]}
* [[:fr:Romuliens]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:fr:Romuliens]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[:fr:Shore Leave]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:fr:Shore Leave]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:fr:Vulcains]] {Found link to [[:fr:Catégorie:Vulcains]]}
* [[:fr:Vulcains]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:fr:Vulcains]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
== nl-->en ==
* [[:nl:1900s]] {Found link to [[:nl:20e eeuw]]}
* [[:nl:1900s]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:nl:1900s]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:nl:1900s]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:sv}
* [[:nl:1900s]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:fr}
* [[:nl:2380]] {Found link to [[:nl:2380s]]}
* [[:nl:2380]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:sv}
* [[:nl:2399]] {Found link to [[:nl:2390s]]}
* [[:nl:2398]] {Found link to [[:nl:2390s]]}
* [[:nl:2397]] {Found link to [[:nl:2390s]]}
* [[:nl:2396]] {Found link to [[:nl:2390s]]}
* [[:nl:2395]] {Found link to [[:nl:2390s]]}
* [[:nl:2394]] {Found link to [[:nl:2390s]]}
* [[:nl:2393]] {Found link to [[:nl:2390s]]}
* [[:nl:2392]] {Found link to [[:nl:2390s]]}
* [[:nl:2391]] {Found link to [[:nl:2390s]]}
* [[:nl:2390]] {Found link to [[:nl:2390s]]}
* [[:nl:2389]] {Found link to [[:nl:2380s]]}
* [[:nl:2388]] {Found link to [[:nl:2380s]]}
* [[:nl:2387]] {Found link to [[:nl:2380s]]}
* [[:nl:2386]] {Found link to [[:nl:2380s]]}
* [[:nl:2385]] {Found link to [[:nl:2380s]]}
* [[:nl:2384]] {Found link to [[:nl:2380s]]}
* [[:nl:2383]] {Found link to [[:nl:2380s]]}
* [[:nl:2382]] {Found link to [[:nl:2380s]]}
* [[:nl:2382]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:sv}
* [[:nl:2381]] {Found link to [[:nl:2380s]]}
* [[:nl:2381]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:sv}
* [[:nl:Acamar systeem]] {Found link to [[:nl:Acamar]]}
* [[:nl:Aldebaran systeem]] {Found link to [[:nl:Aldebaran]]}
* [[:nl:Alpha Centauri systeem]] {Found link to [[:nl:Alpha Centauri]]}
* [[:nl:Alpha Centauri systeem]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:nl:Andorians]] {Found link to [[:nl:Categorie:Andorians]]}
* [[:nl:Andorians]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:nl:Andorians]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:fr}
* [[:nl:Beta Aurigae systeem]] {Found link to [[:nl:Beta Aurigae]]}
* [[:nl:Bolians]] {Found link to [[:nl:Categorie:Bolians]]}
* [[:nl:Bolians]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:nl:Bolians]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:fr}
* [[:nl:Betazoids]] {Found link to [[:nl:Categorie:Betazoids]]}
* [[:nl:Betazoids]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:fr}
* [[:nl:Breen planeten]] {Found link to [[:nl:Breen]]}
* [[:nl:Cardassians]] {Found link to [[:nl:Categorie:Cardassians]]}
* [[:nl:Cardassians]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:nl:Cardassians]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:fr}
* [[:nl:DS9 terugkerende karakter optredens]] {Found link to [[:nl:DS9 terugkerende karakters]]}
* [[:nl:Denobulans]] {Found link to [[:nl:Categorie:Denobulans]]}
* [[:nl:Exo]] {Found link to [[:nl:Exo systeem]]}
* [[:nl:Epsilon Indi systeem]] {Found link to [[:nl:Epsilon Indi]]}
* [[:nl:Friendship 1]] {Found link to [[:nl:Friendship One (aflevering)]]}
* [[:nl:Flight controller]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:nl:Gamma Tauri systeem]] {Found link to [[:nl:Gamma Tauri]]}
* [[:nl:Klasse P]] {Found link to [[:nl:Planetaire classificatie]]}
* [[:nl:Klasse P]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:nl:Klasse O]] {Found link to [[:nl:Planetaire classificatie]]}
* [[:nl:Klasse O]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:nl:Klingons]] {Found link to [[:nl:Categorie:Klingons]]}
* [[:nl:Klingons]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:nl:Klingons]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:fr}
* [[:nl:Lijst van Ferengi]] {Found link to [[:nl:Categorie:Ferengi]]}
* [[:nl:Lijst van Ferengi]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:nl:Lijst van Ferengi]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:fr}
* [[:nl:Romulan gevechtskruiser]] {Found link to [[:nl:Gevechtskruiser]]}
* [[:nl:Romulans]] {Found link to [[:nl:Categorie:Romulans]]}
* [[:nl:Romulans]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:nl:Romulans]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:fr}
* [[:nl:Shore Leave]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:nl:Shore Leave]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:nl:Slag om Torros III]] {Found link to [[:nl:Torros III]]}
* [[:nl:Slag om Torros III]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:nl:Slag om Torros III]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:fr}
* [[:nl:TNG terugkerende karakter optredens]] {Found link to [[:nl:TNG terugkerende karakters]]}
* [[:nl:TOS terugkerende karakter optredens]] {Found link to [[:nl:TOS terugkerende karakters]]}
* [[:nl:Tau Ceti systeem]] {Found link to [[:nl:Tau Ceti]]}
* [[:nl:Tijdmechanica]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:nl:Threshold]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:nl:Threshold]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:nl:USS Danube]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:nl:USS Danube]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:es}
* [[:nl:USS Ambassador]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:nl:USS Ambassador]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:es}
* [[:nl:USS Hiroshima]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:nl:USS Deneva]] {Found link to [[:nl:Deneva klasse]]}
* [[:nl:USS Saratoga]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:es}
* [[:nl:USS Gage]] {Found link to [[:nl:Emissary (aflevering)]]}
* [[:nl:USS Surak]] {Found link to [[:nl:Surak klasse (Starfleet)]]}
* [[:nl:USS Soyuz]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:nl:USS Ticonderoga]] {Found link to [[:nl:Star Trek: Insurrection]]}
* [[:nl:Vroege historie]] {Found link to [[:nl:17e eeuw]]}
* [[:nl:Vroege historie]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:nl:Vroege historie]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:nl:Vroege historie]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:fr}
* [[:nl:Vulcans]] {Found link to [[:nl:Categorie:Vulcans]]}
* [[:nl:Vulcans]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:nl:Vulcans]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:fr}
* [[:nl:Warp factor]] {Found link to [[:nl:Warpfactor]]}
* [[:nl:Warp factor]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:nl:Warp factor]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:es}
* [[:nl:Warpfactor]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:nl:Warpfactor]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:es}
* [[:nl:Warp factor schaal (22e en 23e eeuw)]] {Found link to [[:nl:Warpfactor]]}
* [[:nl:Warp factor schaal (22e en 23e eeuw)]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:nl:Warp factor schaal (22e en 23e eeuw)]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:nl:Warp factor schaal (22e en 23e eeuw)]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:es}
* [[:nl:Xenobiologisten]] {Found link to [[:nl:Xenobiologie]]}
== de--> en ==
* [[:de:1900er]] {Found link to [[:de:20. Jahrhundert]]}
* [[:de:1900er]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:de:1900er]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:sv}
* [[:de:1900er]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[:de:1900er]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:fr}
* [[:de:Alpha-Centauri-System]] {Found link to [[:de:Alpha Centauri]]}
* [[:de:Alpha-Centauri-System]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[:de:Arret]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:de:Autorisationscode]] {Found link to [[:de:Kommandocode]]}
* [[:de:B'rel-Typ]] {Found link to [[:de:Klingonischer Bird-of-Prey]]}
* [[:de:Beamen]] {Found link to [[:de:Transporter]]}
* [[:de:Bajora]] {Found link to [[:de:Bajor]]}
* [[:de:Bernadette Fuller]] {Found link to [[:de:Nadet]]}
* [[:de:Blackjack (Omaha Airbase)]] {Found link to [[:de:Blackjack]]}
* [[:de:Borg-Schneidestrahl]] {Found link to [[:de:Schneidstrahler]]}
* [[:de:Bug]] {Found link to [[:de:Backbord]]}
* [[:de:Casino]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:de:Corona]] {Found link to [[:de:Korona]]}
* [[:de:Corona]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:de:Das, was du zurückläßt, Teil II]] {Found link to [[:de:Das, was du zurückläßt, Teil I]]}
* [[:de:Das ungewisse Dunkel, Teil II]] {Found link to [[:de:Das ungewisse Dunkel, Teil I]]}
* [[:de:Dawn Velazquez]] {Found link to [[:de:Dawn Velazquez (Produktion)]]}
* [[:de:Dawn Velazquez]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:de:Deflektorschüssel]] {Found link to [[:de:Deflektorschild]]}
* [[:de:Der Abgesandte, Teil II]] {Found link to [[:de:Der Abgesandte, Teil I]]}
* [[:de:Der Abgesandte]] {Found link to [[:de:Der Abgesandte, Teil I]]}
* [[:de:Der Fürsorger, Teil II]] {Found link to [[:de:Der Fürsorger, Teil I]]}
* [[:de:Der Weg des Kriegers, Teil II]] {Found link to [[:de:Der Weg des Kriegers, Teil I]]}
* [[:de:Dewan]] {Found link to [[:de:Iccobar]]}
* [[:de:Dewan]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:es}
* [[:de:Die Schwelle (Episode)]] {Found link to [[:de:Die Schwelle]]}
* [[:de:Die Schwelle (Episode)]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:de:Elas]] {Found link to [[:de:Troyius]]}
* [[:de:Elas]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:de:Endspiel, Teil II]] {Found link to [[:de:Endspiel, Teil I]]}
* [[:de:Executive Officer]] {Found link to [[:de:Erster Offizier]]}
* [[:de:Ferris]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:de:Fleisch und Blut, Teil II]] {Found link to [[:de:Fleisch und Blut, Teil I]]}
* [[:de:Frühe Geschichte]] {Found link to [[:de:17. Jahrhundert]]}
* [[:de:Frühe Geschichte]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:de:Frühe Geschichte]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[:de:Frühe Geschichte]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:fr}
* [[:de:Gestern, Heute, Morgen, Teil II]] {Found link to [[:de:Gestern, Heute, Morgen, Teil I]]}
* [[:de:Halkanier]] {Found link to [[:de:Halkanianer]]}
* [[:de:Heck]] {Found link to [[:de:Backbord]]}
* [[:de:Hotel Royale]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:de:Hur'q-Invasion]] {Found link to [[:de:Hur'q]]}
* [[:de:Ian Troi]] {Found link to [[:de:Ian Troi (II)]]}
* [[:de:Ian Troi]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:de:Isolytische Bombe]] {Found link to [[:de:Subraumwaffe]]}
* [[:de:K'Vort-Klasse]] {Found link to [[:de:Klingonischer Bird-of-Prey]]}
* [[:de:Kampfzeit]] {Found link to [[:de:Sternzeit]]}
* [[:de:Klasse O]] {Found link to [[:de:Planetenklassifizierung]]}
* [[:de:Klasse O]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[:de:Klasse P]] {Found link to [[:de:Planetenklassifizierung]]}
* [[:de:Klasse P]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[:de:Landurlaub (Episode)]] {Found link to [[:de:Landurlaub]]}
* [[:de:Landurlaub (Episode)]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:de:Landgang]] {Found link to [[:de:Landurlaub]]}
* [[:de:Liste der Sprengstoffe]] {Found link to [[:de:Liste der Materialien und Substanzen]]}
* [[:de:M33]] {Found link to [[:de:Galaxis M33]]}
* [[:de:Mercy Hospital]] {Found link to [[:de:Mercy-Hospital]]}
* [[:de:Mission Farpoint]] {Found link to [[:de:Der Mächtige]]}
* [[:de:Neutronenstrahlung]] {Found link to [[:de:Neutron]]}
* [[:de:Portal]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:de:Quadrant]] {Found link to [[:de:Stellarkartographie (Wissenschaft)]]}
* [[:de:Quadrant]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:de:Regeneration]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:de:Sarek (Begriffsklärung)]] {Found incorrect link to en in [[:en:Sarek (disambiguation)]]}
* [[:de:SS Erewon]] {Found link to [[:de:Erewon-Klasse]]}
* [[:de:Sarina]] {Found link to [[:de:Sarina Douglas]]}
* [[:de:Sarina]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:de:Schlacht von Torros III]] {Found link to [[:de:Torros III]]}
* [[:de:Schlacht von Torros III]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[:de:Schlacht von Torros III]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:fr}
* [[:de:Solid]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:de:Sol Sektor]] {Found link to [[:de:Sektor 001]]}
* [[:de:Sphäre 41]] {Found link to [[:de:Delphische Sphäre]]}
* [[:de:Star Trek (Pocket Books)]] {Found link to [[:de:Classic Serie (Heyne)]]}
* [[:de:Stern]] {Found link to [[:de:Backbord]]}
* [[:de:Stern]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:de:Steuerbord]] {Found link to [[:de:Backbord]]}
* [[:de:Temporale Mechanik]] {Found link to [[:de:Temporale Grundlagen]]}
* [[:de:Triannon]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:de:USS Aires]] {Found link to [[:de:USS Aries]]}
* [[:de:USS Ambassador]] {Found link to [[:de:Ambassador-Klasse]]}
* [[:de:USS Ambassador]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:es}
* [[:de:USS Akira]] {Found link to [[:de:Akira-Klasse]]}
* [[:de:USS Andromeda]] {Found link to [[:de:Andromeda-Klasse]]}
* [[:de:USS Andromeda]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[:de:USS Danube]] {Found link to [[:de:Danube-Klasse]]}
* [[:de:USS Danube]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:es}
* [[:de:USS Apollo]] {Found link to [[:de:Apollo-Klasse]]}
* [[:de:USS Daedalus]] {Found link to [[:de:Daedalus-Klasse]]}
* [[:de:USS Hiroshima]] {Found link to [[:de:Steamrunner-Klasse]]}
* [[:de:USS Federation]] {Found link to [[:de:Federation-Klasse]]}
* [[:de:USS New Orleans]] {Found link to [[:de:New Orleans-Klasse]]}
* [[:de:USS Gage]] {Found link to [[:de:Der Abgesandte, Teil I]]}
* [[:de:USS Hemingway]] {Found link to [[:de:Star Trek: Nemesis]]}
* [[:de:USS Niagara]] {Found link to [[:de:Niagara-Klasse]]}
* [[:de:USS Merced]] {Found link to [[:de:Merced-Klasse]]}
* [[:de:USS Nebula]] {Found link to [[:de:Nebula-Klasse]]}
* [[:de:USS Miranda]] {Found link to [[:de:Miranda-Klasse]]}
* [[:de:USS Miranda]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[:de:USS Steamrunner]] {Found link to [[:de:Steamrunner-Klasse]]}
* [[:de:USS Soyuz]] {Found link to [[:de:Soyuz-Klasse]]}
* [[:de:USS Sovereign]] {Found link to [[:de:Sovereign-Klasse]]}
* [[:de:USS Sovereign]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:es}
* [[:de:Unity]] {Found link to [[:de:Die Kooperative]]}
* [[:de:Unity]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:de:Warpreaktor]] {Found link to [[:de:Warpkern]]}
* [[:de:Weltraum]] {Found link to [[:de:Raum-Zeit-Kontinuum]]}
* [[:de:Zeitreise]] {Found link to [[:de:Temporale Mechanik]]}
* [[:de:Zeitreise]] {Found link to [[:de:Temporale Grundlagen]]}
== sv-->en ==
* [[:sv:1900-talet (decennium)]] {Found link to [[:sv:1900-talet]]}
* [[:sv:1900-talet (decennium)]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:sv:1900-talet (decennium)]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:sv:1900-talet (decennium)]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[:sv:1900-talet (decennium)]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:fr}
* [[:sv:2382]] {Found link to [[:sv:2380-talet]]}
* [[:sv:2382]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[:sv:2381]] {Found link to [[:sv:2380-talet]]}
* [[:sv:2381]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[:sv:2380]] {Found link to [[:sv:2380-talet]]}
* [[:sv:2380]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:nl}
* [[:sv:Crater]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:sv:Intrepid]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:sv:Intrepid]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:sv:Rogue Planet]] {Found link to [[:sv:Rogue Planet (avsnitt)]]}
* [[:sv:Rogue Planet]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:sv:Rogue Planet]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
* [[:sv:Shore Leave]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:de}
* [[:sv:Shore Leave]] {Found more than one link for memoryalpha:en}
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