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Liste von Abkürzungen

47 Bytes entfernt, 15:40, 4. Nov. 2008
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* ;[[Behandlungskoeffizient|BK]] - : '''B'''ehandlungs'''k'''oeffizient
* ;[[Cold Station 12|C12]] - : '''C'''old Station '''12'''
* ;[[DNS]] - : '''D'''esoxyribo'''n'''uklein'''s'''äure, oder auch: "DNA" - : von engl. '''D'''eoxyribo'''n'''ucleic '''a'''cid* ;[[Deep Space 9|DS9]] - : '''D'''eep '''S'''pace '''9''' (''außerdem Kürzel für [[DS9|Star Trek: Deep Space 9]]'')
* ;[[Östliche Koalition|ECON]] - : '''E'''astern '''C'''oalition '''o'''f '''N'''ations* ;[[ECA]] - : '''E'''arth '''C'''argo '''A'''uthority* ;[[ECS]] - : '''E'''arth '''C'''argo '''S'''ervice* ;[[Elektromagnetismus|EM]] - : '''e'''lektro'''m'''agnetisch* ;[[Elektromagnetismus|EMP]] - : '''E'''lektro'''m'''agnetischer Im'''p'''uls* ;[[EMZ]] - : '''E'''nt'''m'''ilitarisierte '''Z'''one* ;[[ENT]] - : Star Trek: '''Ent'''erprise* ;[[EPS]] - : '''E'''lectro-:'''P'''lasma '''S'''ystem* ;[[ESP]] - : '''E'''xtra '''S'''ensory '''P'''erception
*;[[FCA]] - : '''F'''erengi '''C'''ommerce '''A'''uthority (Ferengi-:Handelsbehörde)
* ;[[IKS]] - : '''I'''mperial '''K'''lingon '''S'''paceship* ;[[ILM]] - : '''I'''ndustrial '''L'''ight and '''M'''agic* ;[[IQ]] - : '''I'''ntelligenz'''q'''otient* ;[[IRW]] - : '''I'''mperial '''R'''omulan '''W'''arbird (alt. '''W'''arship)* ;[[ISA]] - : '''I'''nternational '''S'''pace '''A'''gency* ;[[ISS (Raumstation)|ISS]] - : '''I'''nternational '''S'''pace '''S'''tation* ;[[ISS]] - : '''I'''mperial '''S'''tar '''S'''hip (Imperiales Raumschiff)
*;[[JAG]] - : '''J'''udge '''A'''dvocate '''G'''eneral
* ;[[Laser]] - : '''L'''ight '''A'''mplification by '''S'''timulated '''E'''missions of '''R'''adiation* ;[[LCARS]] - : '''L'''ibrary '''C'''omputer '''A'''ccess and '''R'''etrieval '''S'''ystem
* ;[[MACO]] - : '''M'''ilitary '''A'''ssault '''C'''ommand '''O'''perations* ;[[MHL]] - : '''M'''edizinisch-:'''H'''olographisches '''L'''angzeitprogramm* ;[[MHN]] - : '''M'''edizinisch-:'''H'''olographisches '''N'''otfallprogramm
* ;[[NASA]] - : '''N'''ational '''A'''eronautics & '''S'''pace '''A'''dministration* ;[[NKH]] - : '''N'''otfall '''K'''ommando '''H'''ologramm
* ;[[ODN]] - : '''O'''ptical '''D'''ata '''N'''etwork
* ;[[PADD]] - : '''P'''ersonal '''A'''ccess '''D'''isplay '''D'''evice* ;[[Parsec]] - : '''Par'''allaxen'''sek'''unde* ;[[Phaser]] - : '''Phas'''ed '''E'''nergy '''R'''ectification
* ;[[REM]] - : '''R'''apid '''E'''ye '''M'''ovement* ;[[RNZ]] - : '''R'''omulanische '''N'''eutrale '''Z'''one
* ;'''SS''' - : [[Schutzstaffel|'''S'''chutz'''s'''taffel]] ([[20. Jahrhundert]], [[Erde]]); [[Registriernummer|'''S'''pace '''S'''hip]]
* ;[[TAS]] - : Star Trek: '''T'''he '''A'''nimated '''S'''eries* ;[[TCARS]] - : '''T'''emporal '''C'''omputer '''A'''ccess and '''R'''etrieval '''S'''ystem* ;[[Star Trek: Der Film|TMP]] - : '''T'''he '''M'''otion '''P'''icture* ;[[TNG]] - : Star Trek: '''T'''he '''N'''ext '''G'''eneration* ;[[TOS]] - : Star Trek: '''T'''he '''O'''riginal '''S'''eries
* ;[[UESPA]] - : '''U'''nited '''E'''arth '''S'''pace '''P'''robe '''A'''gency* ;[[UFP]] - : '''U'''nited '''F'''ederation of '''P'''lanets* ;[[UMUK]] - : '''U'''nendliche '''M'''annigfaltigkeit in '''u'''nendlicher '''K'''ombination* ;[[UPN]] - : '''U'''nited '''P'''aramount '''N'''etwork* ;[[USA]] - : '''U'''nited '''S'''tates of '''A'''merica* ;[[USS]] - : '''U'''nited '''S'''tar '''S'''hip
* ;[[VISOR]] - : '''V'''isual '''I'''nstrument and '''S'''ensory '''O'''rgan '''R'''eplacement* ;[[VOY]] - : Star Trek: Raumschiff '''Voy'''ager
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[[Kategorie:Liste|Abkürzungen, Liste der]]
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