Diskussion:Star Trek Online
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ist klar ob wir die bilder wirklich verwenden dürfen?--ShismaBitte korrigiert mich 15:02, 1. Aug. 2008 (UTC)
- Sind freigegebene, offizielle Screenshots von Cryptic Studios. Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher. --Calvert79 15:13, 1. Aug. 2008 (UTC)
- Quelle
Ja, unterhalb von X. Asset Usage policy --Calvert79 17:08, 1. Aug. 2008 (UTC)
- Iste das hier gemeint?
2. You agree to include Cryptic Studios's trademark, copyright or other proprietary rights notices, as provided on the fansite page for the Cryptic Studios Game referenced, when displaying Cryptic Studios Content or Cryptic Studios Marks, and agree to comply with usage guidelines that may be provided by Cryptic Studios from time to time. If you post Cryptic Studios Content on your fansite, you must also post the following notice on your fansite on the same web page(s) as any of the Content: "Star Trek Online game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of Cryptic Studios, Inc. and used with permission. All rights reserved. STAR TREK and related marks are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. © 2008 Paramount Pictures Corp. All rights reserved." You shall not remove or alter any identifying information or copyright management information conveyed in connection with copies of Cryptic Studios Content or Marks, including in digital form; nor challenge Cryptic Studios's ownership of the Cryptic Studios Content or Cryptic Studios Marks, nor use or adopt any trademarks that might be confusingly similar to such Cryptic Studios Marks.
--HenK | discuss 17:27, 1. Aug. 2008 (UTC)
Ja, das meinte ich. Den Satz kann man ja unten drunter frickeln.--Calvert79 12:21, 5. Aug. 2008 (UTC)
- Hab mal den Satz bei diesem bild ergänzt: Bild:Sto screen04.jpg. Verfahren wir da jetzt richtig? --HenK | discuss 23:39, 8. Aug. 2008 (UTC)