Heart of Oak

aus Memory Alpha, der freien deutschen Star-Trek-Datenbank
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Ein Lied, das CaptainPicardbzw. sein Replikant im Zehn Vorne singt.TNG: Versuchskaninchen Es ist ein altes englisches Volkslied. Der Englishe Text wurde in 1759 vom damals berühmten Schauspieler David Garrick (1716-1779) geschrieben.

Der Text von Heart of oak: Come cheer up, my lads! 'tis to glory we steer, To add something more to this wonderful year; To honour we call you, not press you like slaves, For who are so free as the sons of the waves?

Chorus Heart of oak are our ships, heart of oak are our men; We always are ready, steady, boys, steady! We'll fight and we'll conquer again and again.

We ne'er see our foes but we wish them to stay, They never see us but they wish us away; If they run, why we follow, and run them ashore, For if they won't fight us, we cannot do more.


They swear they'll invade us, these terrible foes, They frighten our women, our children, and beaus; But should their flat bottoms in darkness get o'er, Still Britons they'll find to receive them on shore.


We'll still make them fear, and we'll still make them flee, And drub 'em on shore, as we've drubb'd 'em at sea; Then cheer up, my lads! with one heart let us sing: Our soldiers, our sailors, our statesmen and Queen.

Zu hören ist in der oben genanten Folge nur die erste Strophe und der erste Refrain.