Forum:Moving the language codes

aus Memory Alpha, der freien deutschen Star-Trek-Datenbank
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As you know, Memory Alpha has a different URL structure than other wikis. Instead of the language code being in the first part of the URL (and not used on most English language wikis) it's added after the .org.

This has required technical exceptions for some time which are getting harder to manage. To improve the stability of Memory Alpha during site updates, we need to drop the en from the English Memory Alpha and move the other language prefixes to the beginning of the URL.

For instance:

We may need to tidy some URLs in css and other cases, but all previous URLs will now redirect to the new version. We hope to make this change some time next week.

Thanks all, and sorry for having to write here in English. -- sannse<staff /> (talk) 22:32, 15. Apr. 2010 (UTC)