Memory Alpha Nova:Geschützte Seiten
Administrators haben die Fähigkeit, Seiten zu "schützen", sodass niemand außer den Administratoren sie verändern kann. Diese Fähigkeit wird nur in begrenztem Umfang genutzt.
- Verändere keine geschützten Seiten
- Schütze keine Seite, die du geändert hast
- Füge ein Nachrichtenschild an den Anfang einer zeitlich begrenzt geschützen Seite an
- Führe die Seite, die du schützt oder freigibst auf Memory Alpha:Geschützte Seiten
See Memory Alpha:Protection policy for more detailed advice and the purpose of protected pages.
List of protected pages
If you protect a page, or find a protected page not listed here, please add it to this list. Please also add a short description of ten words or less indicating why you protected it. If you need to say more, discuss on the talk page of the page you protected.
Permanently protected pages
These pages are permanently protected, primarily to prevent vandalism. Other pages, such as legal policies, are also permanently protected to prevent unauthorized changes from being made to them.
- Main Page
- Memory Alpha:Copyrights
- Memory Alpha:Creative Commons License
- System log pages:
- Memory Alpha:Privacy Policy
- Memory Alpha:Administrators
- Memory Alpha:Announcements
- Memory Alpha:Donations
- Memory Alpha:Donation history
Semi-permanently protected pages
These pages are protected for the indefinite future, but it is planned (hoped) that they will be unprotected at some point. A specific reason should be given for why the page was protected.
- None currently.
Temporarily protected pages
These pages are only temporarily protected. A specific reason should be given for why the page was protected.
- Leonard McCoy (preventing constant editing)
- Montgomery Scott (preventing constant editing)
- USS Saratoga (constant editing by User:Admiral Lex T. Kirk)