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Excuse my question being in English -- i hope a few here can respond -- but I have a question on the German source material regarding ranks.

In the canon German sources, do the translations incluse translated ranks (Fähnrich as opposed to Ensign), or are the ranks left in English. I've seen rank articles here using all the English spellings. I just wanted to know what the regular style should be in case i'm tempted to add some of the extra (less common) rank articles i've been working on at MA-en .

Thanks for reading my English -- i promise i'll be studying the native language for this database better in the future! :) -- Captain Mike K. Bartel 16:35, 4. Mär 2005 (GMT)

In german translations, Fähnrich was used from TNG to VOY. In ENT, Ensign was used, just like in the original version. -- Spocky 16:49, 4. Mär 2005 (GMT)