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Ich habe den Artikel unter Questar M-17 Pod Schiff in Anlehnung an die englische Bezeichnung angelegt. Die Bezeichnung Pod Schiff fällt im Deutschen nicht, und Druckkörper Schiff fand ich eine sehr künstliche Bezeichnung. Wer aber einen besseren Vorschlag hat, der möge das dahingehend ändern. --KenKeeler -- Postfach 15:11, 2. Dez 2005 (UTC)

Ein pod kann auch ein Modul sein, also "Modulschiff". --Memory 00:35, 3. Dez 2005 (UTC)
Todeszone Galaxis spricht von einem "Sternenschiff" ^^ -- Kobi - (Diskussion) 10:39, 3. Dez 2005 (UTC)
Auf englisch, traurig:
Where in the episode does it say that the ship is 2900 meters long? Also, about the above conversation: When I created the article at MA/en and I found several links calling it different things and I went with the first one I found, "insectoid ship". --Bp 14:11, 21. Mai 2006 (UTC)
Tried to translate "sadly", eh? ;) "Leider auf englisch" sounds better. :)
Back to your question: I guess that name "Sternenschiff" was created by German dubbings (I haven't watched TAS completely by now]]), so I guess we're somehow bound to what "they" messed up... — defchris (✍ talk) 15:04, 21. Mai 2006 (UTC)
Yeah, it was supposed to be "In English, sorry" meaning "I apologize", but I used google translate. Anyway, they did call it a pod ship, but it was also called insectoid design, and the species that made it were insectoids. So I went with that. I would still like to know where "2900 meters" came from. --Bp 15:11, 21. Mai 2006 (UTC)
Maybe someone did a bad guess while comparing the Enterprise's length to that of the insectoid ship. ;) Actually I can't find any reference by using Google but this article... — defchris (✍ talk) 20:30, 21. Mai 2006 (UTC)