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Ist das jetzt ein Planet oder eine Kolonie? --HenK | discuss 10:34, 4. Mai 2008 (UTC)

sowohl als auch:
			Through an act of kindness. The
			Romulans attacked the Khitomer
			outpost. Everyone was killed.
			I was buried under the rubble and
			left for dead. A human Starfleet
			officer found me. He took me to
			his home on Gault and told his
			wife to raise me as his son.

und später:
				(with disdain)
			Gault is a farming colony.

			When my foster brother and I were
			of age we entered the Starfleet
			Academy. He hated it and returned
			to Gault. I stayed.

vlt können wir den artikel auch aufteilen--ShismaBitte korrigiert mich 10:41, 4. Mai 2008 (UTC)