keine Bearbeitungszusammenfassung
| 2017
| Michael Westmore
| -
| [[The Sci-Fi Siren Who Dared Love Elvis and Other Stars]]
| [[John L. Flynn]], <br>[[Elvis Aaron Presley Junior]]
| 2020
| [[Angelique Pettyjohn]]
| -
| [[What Is the Story of Captain Kirk?]]
| [[Robert Squier]]
| 2021
| William Shatner
| -
| 2022
| William Shatner
| -
| [[Making It So: A Memoir]]
| [[Patrick Stewart]]
| 2023
| Patrick Stewart
| -
| [[What Is the Story of Captain Picard?]]
| [[David Stabler]]
| 2023
| Patrick Stewart
| -
| [[The Wrath of Blonde]]
| [[Laura Banks]]
| 2023
| Laura Banks
| [[Making it so : Mein Leben. Zwischen Shakespeare und Star Trek]]
| Making It So: A Memoir
| [[Patrick Stewart]]
| 2024
| Patrick Stewart
| -
| [[Open a Channel - A Woman's Trek]]
| [[Nana Visitor]]
| 2024
| Nana Visitor
| [[Paula M. Block]], <br> [[Terry J. Erdmann]]
| 2020
| Design / Illustrationen
| -
| [[Star Trek Alphabet Book]]
| [[Dennis R. Shealy]]
| 2020
| Buchstabenbuch
| -
| [[Star Trek: Designing the Final Frontier: How Midcentury Modernism Shaped Our View of the Future]]
| [[Dan Chavkin]], <br> [[Brian McGuire]]
| 2021
| Design / Illustrationen
| -
| [[Star Trek: Picard: The Art and Making of the Series]]
| [[Joe Fordham]]
| 2024
| Design / Illustrationen
| 2022
| Produktion / Episodenführer TNG
| [[Die Star-Trek-Chronik: Teil 4: Star Trek: Picard]]
| 2023
| Produktion / Episodenführer PIC
|-| [[Die Star-Trek-Chronik: Teil 5: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine]]| -| Björn Sülter, Thorsten Walch, Reinhard Prahl| 2024| Produktion / Episodenführer DS9|}
==== Enzyklopädien / Lexika ====
| 2016
| Enzyklopädie
| -
| [[Women of Science Fiction and Fantasy Television]]
| [[Karen A. Romanko]]
| 2019
| Enzyklopädie
| -
| [[Star Trek: Lower Decks: Crew Handbook]]
| [[Chris Farnell]]
| 2023
| Personenlexikon LDS
| [[Bruce E. Drushel]]
| 2013
| Fandom
| -
| [[Social Movements and the Collective Identity of the Star Trek Fandom]]
| [[David G. LoConto]]
| 2020
| Fandom
| [[George A. Gonzalez]]
| 2017
| Philosophie
| [[Die Literatur in Star Trek]]
| -
| Olivia Vieweg, <br>Klaus Vieweg
| 2021
| Philosophie
| [[David McDonnel]]
| 1997
| Interviews
| -
| [[Star Trek: The Illustrated Oral History: The Original Cast]]
| 2024
| Interviews
| 2020
| Produktion VOY
| -
| [[Star Trek: First Contact: The Making of the Classic Film]]
| [[Joe Fordham]]
| 2022
| Produktion
| -
| [[Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan: The Making of the Classic Film]]
| [[John Tenuto]]
| 2022
| Produktion
| -
| [[Lost Federations: The Unofficial Unmade History of Star Trek]]
| [[A.J. Black]]
| 2023
| Produktion
| 2013
| Trading-Cards
|-| -| [[Star Trek Vault: 40 Years From The Archives]]| [[Scott Tipton]]| 2011| Trading-Cards|-| -| [[Strange Novel Worlds: Essays on Star Trek Tie-In Fiction]]| [[Caroline-Isabelle Caron]], <br>[[Kristin Noone]]| 2021| Romane|}
==== Musik ====
| [[Jeff Bond]]
| 1999
| Filmmusik
| -
| [[Music in Star Trek]]
| [[Jessica Getman]], [[Brooke McCorkle Okazaki]], [[Evan Ware]]
| 2022
| Filmmusik
==== Naturwissenschaften (Astronomie / Biologie / Physik) ====
{| class="sortable"
| [[Xavier Einstein]]
| 1985
| Quiz
| -
| [[The Ultimate Star Trek Trivia Game Book]]
| [[Alexis Fegan Smith]]
| 1991
| Quiz
| -
| [[Katja Kanzler]], <br>[[Christian Schwarke]]
| 2019
| Gesellschaft
| -
| [["Hailing frequencies open": Communication in Star Trek: The Next Generation]]
| [[Thomas D. Parham III]]
| 2019
| Gesellschaft
| 2022
| -
| [[Self and Community in Star Trek: Voyager]]
| [[Susan M. Bernardo]]
| 2022
| Gesellschaft
| -
| [[The Star Trek Book of Friendship]]
| [[Robb Pearlman]], <br>[[Jordan Hoffman]]
| 2022
| Soziologie
| -
| 2023
| Gesellschaft
| [[Krieg in Serie]]
| -
| [[Roger Behrens]], <br>[[Frank Beiler]], <br/>[[Olaf Sanders]]| 2023| Gesellschaft|-| [[Kann der Bordcomputer denken? Roboter, Androiden & Hologramme in Star Trek]]| -| [[Rebecca Haar]]| 2024| Gesellschaft|-| -| [[The Anti-Enlightenment in Popular Culture: Greed, Hate, Star Wars, and Star Trek]]| [[George A. Gonzalez]]| 2024| Gesellschaft|-| -| [[Star Trek and the Tragic Hybrid: Children of Two Worlds From Spock To Soji]]| [[Carolyne Burlingame-Goff]]| 2024| Gesellschaft|} ==== Technische Handbücher / Blaupausen ===={| class="sortable"! style="width:30%"| Deutscher Titel !! style="width:30%"| Englischer Titel !! style="width:15%"| Autor !! style="width:5%"| Jahr !! style="width:20%"| Subjekt|-| -| [[Star Trek Blueprints]]| [[Franz Joseph]]
| 1975
| Technische Zeichnungen (©)
| Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual
| [[Rick Sternbach]], <br>Michael Okuda
| 1994
| Technik (©)
| -
| [[Star Trek Blueprint Collection]]
| 1994
| Technik (©)
| -
| [[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine & The USS Defiant Illustrated Handbook]]
| Simon Hugo], <br>Ben Robinson
| 2021
| Technik
| 1976
| Bastelbuch
| -
| [[Star Trek: Color and Activity Book: Far-Out Fun]]
| 1979
| Malbuch
| -
| [[Star Trek: Color and Activity Book: Futuristic Fun]]
| 1979
| Malbuch
| -
| [[Star Trek: Color and Activity Book: Rescue at Raylo]]
| 1979
| Malbuch
| -
| [[Star Trek: Color and Activity Book: A Launch Into Fun]]
| 1979
| Malbuch
| -
| 1996
| Bastelbuch
| -
| 2016
| Malbuch
| [[Star Trek: Kostüme: Fünfzig Jahre Mode aus Unendlichen Weiten]]
| Star Trek: Costumes: Five Decades of Fashion from the Final Frontier
| Paula M. Block / Terry J. Erdmann
| 2016
| Kostüme
| -
| 2017
| Malbuch
| [[Star Trek Punkte Linien Spiralen: Neue Art von Malbuch für Erwachsene mit Anti Stress Wirkung]]
| -
| [[Erich Meister]]
| 2020
| Malbuch
| -
| [[Star Coloring Book: Enchanting The Ultimate Trek Special A Books For Adult And Kid]]
| [[Konrad Mohnhaupt]]
| 2022
| Malbuch
| [[Star Trek: Abenteuer und Utopien in unendlichen Welten]]
| -
| [[Arne Sönnichsen]]
| 2024
| Kurzeinführung
| 1952-
| Parodien
| [[Medienobservationen]]
| diverse
| 1997-
| -
| 1992-199?
| Produktion
| -
| [[Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts]]
| diverse
| 1988-
| Gesellschaft / Politik
| [[Limit]]
| Science Fiction / Mystery / Fantasy
| [[Star Trek – The Exhibition (Ausstellungsführer)|Star Trek – The Exhibition]]
| -
| diverse