Star Trek – The Collectibles

aus Memory Alpha, der freien deutschen Star-Trek-Datenbank
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Das Buch Star Trek – The Collectibles listet zahlreiche Star-Trek-Fanartikel zur Serie Raumschiff Enterprise inklusive der zum Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung im Jahr 2008 gültigen Marktpreise.


Vom Umschlagtext:

This book provides a wide-range of Star Trek treasures any devoted Trekkie or novice collector of this epic science fiction franchise will appreciate. This spectacular guide contains more than 1,500 colour photos, including items from the Christie's auction of one-of-a-kind Star Trek props and memorabilia direct from Paramount Studios. Plus, readers will enjoy comprehensive collector coverage of more than 40 years of Star Trek action figures, lunch boxes, games, pins, posters, uniforms, original scripts and countless other items, all with identifying details and current market values to satisfy collectors' sharp sense of detail.