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Mission Log

365 Bytes hinzugefügt, 17:17, 19. Okt. 2023
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! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 1</small>
| ''Lost and Found''
| * {{PRO|Lost and FoundGesucht und Gefunden, Teil I}}* {{PRO|Gesucht und Gefunden, Teil II}}
| {{Datum|2021-10-28T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 2</small>
| ''Star Struck''
| {{PRO|Star StruckSehnsucht nach den Sternen}}
| {{Datum|2021-11-05T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 3</small>
| ''Dream Catcher''
| {{PRO|Dream CatcherTraumfänger}}
| {{Datum|2021-11-12T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 4</small>
| ''Terror Firma''
| {{PRO|Terror FirmaDer Killerplanet}}
| {{Datum|2021-11-19T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 7</small>
| ''First Contact''
| {{PRO|First ContactErstkontakt}}
| {{Datum|2022-01-14T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 8</small>
| ''First Contact''
| {{PRO|Time AmokZeitphasen}}
| {{Datum|2022-01-21T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 9</small>
| ''First Contact''
| * {{PRO|A Moral StarRückkehr nach Tars Lamora, Teil I}}* {{PRO|Rückkehr nach Tars Lamora, Teil II}}
| {{Datum|2022-01-28T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 192</small>
| Discovering Grounded
| {{LDS|GroundedStartverbot}}
| {{Datum|2022-08-30T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 193</small>
| The Least Dangerous Game
| {{LDS|The Least Dangerous GameDas ungefährlichste Spiel}}
| {{Datum|2022-09-06T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 194</small>
| Discovering "Mining The Mind's Mines"
| {{LDS|Mining The Mind's MinesDas Psycho-Gestein}}
| {{Datum|2022-09-13T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 195</small>
| Discovering "Room for Growth"
| {{LDS|Room for GrowthRaum für Entfaltung}}
| {{Datum|2022-09-20T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 196</small>
| Discovering "Reflections"
| {{LDS|ReflectionsSpiegelbilder}}
| {{Datum|2022-09-27T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 197</small>
| Discovering "Hear All, Trust Nothing"
| {{LDS|Hear All, Trust NothingDiplomatie mal anders}}
| {{Datum|2022-10-04T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 198</small>
| Discovering "A Mathematically Perfect Redemption"
| {{LDS|A Mathematically Perfect RedemptionEine mathematisch perfekte Vergeltung}}
| {{Datum|2022-10-04T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 199</small>
| Discovering "Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus"
| {{LDS|Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus}}
| {{Datum|2022-10-18T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 200</small>
| Discovering "Trusted Sources"
| {{LDS|Trusted SourcesDas grosse Missverständnis}}
| {{Datum|2022-10-25T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Live">LIVE</abbr> 201</small><ref>Diese Ausgabe wurde fehlerhaft als Nummer 121 angezeigt.</ref>
| Discovering "The Stars at Night"
| {{LDS|The Stars at NightDie Sterne in der Nacht}}
| {{Datum|2022-11-08T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 13</small>
| ''Crossroads''
| {{PRO|CrossroadsAm Scheideweg}}
| {{Datum|2022-11-22T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 14</small>
| ''Masquerade''
| {{PRO|MasqueradeMaskerade}}
| {{Datum|2022-11-29T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 15</small>
| ''Preludes''
| {{PRO|PreludesPräludium}}
| {{Datum|2022-12-05T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 16</small>
| ''Ghost in the Machine''
| {{PRO|Ghost Der Geist in the Machineder Maschine}}
| {{Datum|2022-12-13T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
|- style="background: #3a5766"
! <small><abbr title="Mission Log Prodigy">PRODIGY</abbr> 17</small>
| ''Mindwalk''
| {{PRO|MindwalkDer Körpertausch}}
| {{Datum|2022-12-20T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
| Episode ''Patrol Boat'' von ''Inspektor Garrett''.
| {{Datum|2023-10-16T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
! 6<ref>Diese Ausgabe wurde fehlerhaft als Nummer 5 angezeigt.</ref>
| Gene-ology: Police Brutality
| Episode ''Police Brutality'' von ''Inspektor Garrett''.
| {{Datum|2023-10-19T08:00:00.000Z|ISO}}
