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2.007 Bytes hinzugefügt, 22:08, 25. Nov. 2007
Transwarpzitate aus TNG, DS9 und VOY
over the Dominion.
Das sind die einzigen 2 TNG/DS9Folgen DS9-Folgen wo das Wort "Transwarp" vorkommt.
Fortsetzung aus VOY folgt --[[Benutzer:Mark McWire|Mark McWire]] 20:54, 25. Nov. 2007 (UTC)
Aus {{VOY|Die Schwelle}}
PARIS: Acknowledged. Engaging transwarp drive in four, three, two... Transwarp on-line. Warp nine point two, nine point three. My vector's drifting.
KIM: The problem is, every time we simulate crossing the transwarp threshold, the nacelles get torn off the ship.
TORRES: Then it's just a matter of navigation. If we could figure out how to come out of transwarp at a specific point, this could get us home.
(Ich zitiere nicht alles, nur die aussagekräftigsten Sätze)
Interessant ist, dass von Transwarp-Schwelle geredet wird und nicht nur einfach von Transwarp, außer Torres, die explizit von "dem Transwarp" redet.
Aus {{VOY|Herkunft aus der Ferne}}
CHAKOTAY: I've had the opportunity over the last few days to learn something about your culture, your great accomplishments. Consider the breakthrough into Transwarp, an incredible achievement, and yet, your ancient Doctrine predicted terrible disasters if it were even attempted. That held your race back for millennia, until someone took a chance and challenged that prediction. They succeeded, and your society entered a new chapter of exploration, and your doctrine was changed accordingly. I know from the history of my own planet that change is difficult. New ideas are often greeted with scepticism, even fear. But sometimes those ideas are accepted, and when they are progress is made. Eyes are opened
GEGEN: I'm engaging spatial displacement It's unlikely their primitive sensors will be able to detect us once we're out of phase. Take us out of transwarp, we don't want to pass them
Aus {{VOY|Skorpion, Teil I}}
KIM: Captain, long range sensors are picking up transwarp signatures, five point eight light years distant. Closing from behind.
Aus {{VOY|Skorpion, Teil II}}
CHAKOTAY: Long range sensors are picking up residual transwarp signatures, Borg vessels. They passed by probably three days ago
An dieser Stelle speichere ich erstmal ab --[[Benutzer:Mark McWire|Mark McWire]] 21:08, 25. Nov. 2007 (UTC)
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