Meaning in Star Trek

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Das Buch Meaning in Star Trek ist eine psychologische Studie zum Star-Trek-Phänomen.



Vom Umschlagtext:

Star Trek is more than gadget-oriented science fiction. In this original and readable book Karin Blair shows how the starship Enterprise explores not simply outer space but also the inner reaches of the human psyche; she examines the why of the show's broad popular appeal. Its 79 episodes dramatize basic human patterns of action and belief that Blair traces through the relations between and within the characters.

The continuing family that Gene Roddenberry created on board the Enterprise embodies conflicts that are part of each one of us. For example, Mr. Spock, the half-human, half-Vulcan, embodies an obscure alien presence comparable to our own unconscious minds. But Spock's perpetual antagonist, Dr. McCoy, and Captain Kirk, who knows how to get the best from both, are necessary contributors to successful adventuring into the galaxy or into ourselves.

In story after story Star Trek explores the basic polarities that affect every human life; life and death, good and evil, age and youth, man and woman. Karin Blair sees the tension between masculine and feminine as particularly important, not only in the show but also in human consciousness now. Her analysis of Spock in these terms reveals the significance of his strong appeal to female viewers.

This book will delight and intrigue not only „trekkies“ but also everyone who wants to explore what it means to be "human" in this day and age, in the futures we can imagine, or at any time in the vast enterprise we call human history. Myths are often the key to understanding the deepest parts of ourselves, and Star Trek, through Karin Blair's skillful treatment, now reveals the depths viewers always sensed were there.


Vom Umschlagtext:

Why did Star Trek spawn an entire subculture of „trekkies“ with their own conventions, publications and lifestyle? Why now, years after the series was produced, do the reruns continue to enchant a new and different generation? Karin Blair explores our inner space for the answers and returns from the journey with fresh and original insights.

Using specific episodes as examples, she shows the personal relevancy Star Trek has for us, how Spock, Kirk, McCoy and the others reflect our fears, dreams and aspirations. She calls Star Trek a modern myth and demonstrates why we are all travelers aboard the Enterprise, aliens in time and space, seeking a new land within and outside ourselves in a troubled world.


  • Vorwort
  • Zur Feier des Außerirdischen
  • Das Phänomen Enterprise
  • McCoy: Destillation der Vergangenheit
  • Spock: Katalysator der Zukunft
  • Kirk: Lösung der Gegenwart
  • Innere Zweideutigkeiten
  • Äußere Widerstände
  • Die austauschbare Frau
  • Die monströse Mutter
  • Wir alle sind Spock
  • Das Phänomen als Unternehmen (Enterprise)
  • Index der Episoden