Liste von Widmungsplaketten

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ISS Avenger[Bearbeiten]

Imperial Starship Avenger
Registry Number NX-09
Dedicated to serve the Emperor
Antares Ship Yards

USS Brattain[Bearbeiten]

USS Brattain
Miranda classStarfleet registry NCC-21166
40 Eridani A Starfleet Construction Yards, Yoyodyne Division
Commissioned Stardate 22519.5
United Federation of Planets
Starfleet Command, Sol Sector
"… a three hour tour, a three hour tour."


Spacecraft Number NX-02
San Francisco, Earth
Starfleet Command: R. Berman, B. Braga, M. Coto, P. Lauritson, M. Howard, D. Velazquez, J.P. Farrell, B. Yacobian, S. Welke, D. Rossi, D. Mirabello, T. Matalas, D.
Rooney, S. Rissmiller - Vehicle Development: A. Kroeker, B. Yacobian, G. Harvey, E. Norman, N. Lee, T. Scott, R. Simonson, A. Levy, A. Fukai, M. DeMeritt, D.
Trotti, T. Tagamolila, J. Harris, P. Butler, J. Rudolph, J. Brown, S. Shimizu, L. Sena, A. PooleyMission Ops: M. Sussman, A. Bormanis, J. Reeves-Stevens, G. Reeves
Stevens, J. Fernandez - Spaceframe Engineering: H. Zimmerman, L. Dorton, J. Eaves, D. Drexler, B. Heidemann, M. Okuda, J. Van Over, A. Fredrickson, A. Kobayashi
F. Zimmerman, L. Cole, A. PackardPropulsion Systems: M. Rush, D. Knapp, M. Reilly, M. Rush, S. Peck, R. Eyslee, F. Valdes, L. Christenberry, R. Meyers, D.
Pondella, P. Jacobson, J. Devlin, R. Dominguez, W. Mayer, R. Calvaruso, A. DominguezOrbital Ergonomics: J. Mees, M. Bozeman, A. Zerkel, E. Kelly, C. Russo, J.
NesterowiczDeep Space Operations: T. Arp, T. Purser, J. Pizston, J. Djanrelian, C. Clark, F. O'Hea, R. Ratliff, J. Peyser, D. Drozdowski, R. Hester, W. Thoms, V.
Deadrick, Jr.Flight Test Crew: G. Agalsoff; J. Agalsoff, R. Cooper, D. Okuda, B. Betts, M. Moore, R. Goddard, L. Connolly, M. Westmore, V. Canamar, E. Ellis, S.
Westmore, J. Lewis, B. LookEnvironmental Systems: B. Blackman, C. Kunz, T. Siegel, P. Corcoran-Woods, M. Hoffman, E. Regan, J. Thomas, L. WhiteSecurity: L.
Ward, S. D'Errico, G. Edelman, L. Dukes, S. Brill, J. Moore, J. FisherFlight Software: J. McMeikan, J.P. Farrell, B. Lederman, C. Petrus, D. Baskin, H. Jierjian, D. Koeppel
M. O'Halloran, A. Codron, D. Takemura, A. Simonson, A. LambertUnited Earth Space Probe Agency: G. Roddenberry, W.M. Jefferies
"Audentes fortuna juvat - Fortune favors the bold - Virgil"


USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-E
Jean-Luc Picard, Captain
"The future is in the hands of those who explore… and from all the beauty they discover while crossing perpetually receding frontiers, they develop for nature and for humankind an infinite love." -- Captain Jacques-Yves Cousteau.

USS Dauntless (NX-01-A)[Bearbeiten]

Ship Klasse Shipyard Sektor Sternzeit Motto weitere Infos
USS Dauntless (NX-01-A) Dauntless type San Francisco Sol 51472 "Hope is a waking dream." - Aristotle First starship of her class

USS Defiant (NCC-1764)[Bearbeiten]

Widmungsplakette der USS Defiant (NCC-1764).
USS Defiant
Constitution class
Tranquility Base

USS Defiant (NX-74205)[Bearbeiten]

Widmungsplakette der USS Defiant (NX-74205).
USS Defiant
Starfleet registry NX-74205 - First starship of her class
Launched Stardate 47538.5Antares Ship Yards
Bajor sectorUnited Federation of Planets.
Starfleet Command Fleet Ops Research & Dev. Science Ops Tactical Ops Yard Engineers

Chief of Staff

"All I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by." -- John Masefield

USS Discovery[Bearbeiten]

San Francisco
Fleet Yards
United Federation
of Planets
U.S.S. Discovery
Starfleet registry NCC-1031
Starfleet Command: A. Kurtzman, G. Berg, A. Harberts, A. Goldsman, H. Kadin, C. Sweeny, B. Fuller, J. Alexander, A. Coleite, J. Menosky, T. Sullivan, A. Baiers, N. Meyer, F. Siracusa, J. Weber, B. Kim, E. Lippoldt, K. Beyer, S. Cochran, K. Powers, Fleet Ops: O. Osunsanmi, K. Lafferty, D. Till, K. Orfanidis, J. Gayford, M. Simkin, O. Sitowitz, G. Phillips, G. Hetrick, N. Page, M. Suskin, J. Zimmerman, Research and Development: A. Maranville, M. Goldstein, T. Dinucci, B. Schultz, C. Silvestri, J. Gross, R. Johnson, C. Danby, A. Trifunovic, C. Gebacz, K. Felton-Lui, C. Dowling, D. Biagy, K. Tchaikovsky, E. Sampson, K. Gross, T. Grove, Science Ops: T. Cherniawsky, M. Steel, G. Chown, G. Navarro, C. Hoult, D. Tiernan, G. Hemwall, L. Hodgson, R. Colucci, R. Vivian, B. Fifield, M. Carella, S. Sealey, R. Fraser, T.I. Staley, F. Tata, R. Reed, D. Cummings, C. Penman, I. Allemang, J. Dudkowski, S. Gamzon, Tactical Ops: S. Stanley, W. Budge, N. Peschlow, A. Tsang, A. Haye, M. Morgan, D. Norton, E. Poulin, T. Peel, R. Dening, K. Brock, J. Eaves, T. Pringle, S. Schneider, B. Rendulic, R. Lai, B. Daprato, M. Moreira, J. Murray, M. Simonelli, J. Kirk, P. Nicolakakos, Yard Engineers: D. Stapf, K. Berg, J. McNamara, O. Neir, D. Feldheim, L. Miller, L. Metrose, K. Hall, J. Henry, Chief of Staff: R. Roddenberry, T. Roth, CNC: Gene Roddenberry
"All things can be understood once they are discovered; the point is to discover them."

ISS Discovery[Bearbeiten]

Long Live
The Empire
I.S.S. Discovery
Starfleet registry NCC-1031
Starfleet Command: A. Kurtzman, G. Berg, A. Harberts, A. Goldsman, H. Kadin, C. Sweeny, B. Fuller, J. Alexander, A. Coleite, J. Menosky, T. Sullivan, A. Baiers, N. Meyer, F. Siracusa, J. Weber, B. Kim, E. Lippoldt, K. Beyer, S. Cochran, K. Powers, Fleet Ops: O. Osunsanmi, K. Lafferty, D. Till, K. Orfanidis, J. Gayford, M. Simkim, O. Sitowitz, G. Phillips, G. Hetrick, N. Page, M. Suskin, J. Zimmerman, Research and Development: A. Maranville, M. Goldstein, T. Dinucci, B. Schultz, C. Silvestri, J. Gross, R. Johnson, C. Danby, A. Trifunovic, C. Gebacz, K. Felton-Lui, E. Sampson, K. Gross, T. Grove, Science Ops: T. Deverell, M. Steel, M. Middleton, J. Clement, G. Keenan, C. Hoult, J. Frakes, G. Hemwall, W. Sidarous, B. Marrello, R. Vivian, B. Fifield, M. Carella, S. Sealey, R. Fraser, T.I. Stanley, F. Tata, R. Reed, D. Cummings, C. Penman, I. Allemang, J. Dudkowski, S. Gamzon, Tactical Ops: W. Budge, A. Tsang, M. Morgan, D. Norton, E. Poulin, C. Bretecher, N. Augustyn, H. Isaacs, M. Edmund, J. Kim, G. Delic, R. McCallum, T. Peel, K. Brock, J. Eaves, S. Schneider, R. Lai, B. Daprato, M. Moreiera, M. Simonelli, J. Kirk, P. Nicolakakos, Yard Engineers: D. Stapf, K. Berg, J. McNamara, O. Neir, D. Feldheim, L. Miller, L. Metrose, K. Hall, J. Henry, Chief of Staff: R. Roddenberry, T. Roth, CNC: Gene Roddenberry
"Facile intelligere semel invento sunt omnia quae vero sunt, sed quae sunt difficilis quoestio est deprehendere."

Das Zitat ist das lateinische Original des Zitats von der Widmungsplakette der USS Discovery.

Enterprise (NX-01)[Bearbeiten]

Widmungsplakette der Enterprise (NX-01).
Spacecraft number NX-01
Jonathan Archer, Commander
Starfleet Command: R. Berman, B. Braga, M. Howard, P. Lauritson, M. Sussman, A. Bormanis, P. Strong, F. Decker, A. Stella, A. Jacque-
Metton, M. Jacque-Metton, J.P. Farrell, D. Velazquez, S. Welke - Vehicle Development: J. Conway, B. Yacobian, J. Fleck, A. Fukai, M.
DeMeritt, D. Overdiek, J. Rudolph, S. Shimizu, D. Rossi - Spaceframe Engineering: H. Zimmerman, L. Dorton, J. Mees, C. Binkley, J.
Eaves, D. Drexler, J. Martin, F. Zimmerman, A. Packard, A. Kay, A. Bro, B. Heidemann - Propulsion Systems: D. Curry, R.B. Moore, A.
Codron, M. Suskin, L. Castro, M. Chambers - Mission Ops: T. Arp, T. Purser, A. Rockler, F. Leisure, G. Medina, B. Laughlin, T. Mertz, C.
Clark, F. O'Hea - Imaging and Sensor Technologies: M. Rush, D. Knapp, G. Tachell, S. Middleton, B. Peets, R. Eyslee, E. Cooper, R. Burgess, T.
Bookout, G. Agalsoff, J. Agalsoff, Jr. - Orbital Ergonomics: M. Westmore, S. Burman, R. Blackman, C. Kunz, M. Moore, M. Keating, F.
Sepulveda, L. Rich, C. Russo, J. Nesterowicz - Flight Test Crew: R. Ratliff, P. Albiez, W. Thoms, J. Djanrelian, S. Satterfield, G. Edelman, L.
White, L. Ward, S. D'Errico, K. Slechta - Flight Software: M. Okuda, J. Van Over, W. Drapanas, A. Fredrickson, G. Mandel, D. Okuda, B.
Betts - United Earth Space Probe Agency: G. Roddenberry, W.M. Jefferies
"… to boldly go where no man has gone before."

Inhalt belegt durch Sekundärquelle: Produktionsfoto

USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)[Bearbeiten]

USS Enterprise
Starship Class
San Francisco, Calif.

USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A)[Bearbeiten]

Erste Version
USS Enterprise
Starship Class
San Francisco, Calif.
United Federation of Planets
"To boldly go where no man has gone before."
-- from the Starfleet Charter
Zweite Version
USS Enterprise
Starfleet registry NCC-1701-A
San-Francisco-Flottenwerft, Erde
Commissioned: Stardate 8442.5
Second starship to bear the name
"To boldly go where no man has gone before."

USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-B)[Bearbeiten]

USS Enterprise
Excelsior classStarfleet registry NCC-1701-B
Commissioned: Stardate 9715.5
Third starship to bear the name
United Federation of Planets
Starfleet Command Fleet Operations Office of Science Ops Engineering Division Tactical Ops Advanced Technologies UESPA
"To boldly go where no one has gone before…"

USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)[Bearbeiten]

Widmungsplakette der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D).
USS Enterprise
Galaxy-classStarfleet registry NCC-1701-D
Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards, Mars
Fifth starship to bear the name – Launched Stardate 40759.5.
United Federation of Planets
Starfleet Command Engineering Group Warp Technologies Development Group Advanced Technologies Group

Yard Engineers

"To boldly go where no one has gone before…"
Die Plakette der Enterprise wurde zur TNG Staffel 3 aktualisiert, wobei einige Details in der neuen Fassung ausgelassen wurden.

USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E)[Bearbeiten]

USS Enterprise
Sovereign class – Sixth starship to bear the name
registry number NCC-1701-E – Launched Stardate 49827.5
San Francisco YardsUnited Federation of Planets
Starfleet Command Yard Engineering Spaceframe Devel. Propulsion Systems Systems Mgmt. Research & Dev.

Chief of staff

"To boldly go where no one has gone before…"

USS Equinox[Bearbeiten]

Schiff Klasse Werft Sektor Sternzeit Motto
USS Equinox (NCC-72381) Nova Utopia Planitia Sol 47007.1 "The night of time far surpasseth the day." -Sir Thomas Browne, 1658

USS Excelsior[Bearbeiten]

Widmungsplakette der USS Excelsior.
USS Excelsior
Starfleet registry NCC-2000
San-Francisco-Flottenwerft, Erde
Commissioned: Stardate 8205.5
First starship of her class
"No matter where you go, there you are."

USS Franklin[Bearbeiten]

Widmungsplakette der USS Franklin (NX-326).
San Francisco
Fleet Yards
United Federation
of Planets
USS Franklin
Starship Class
Starfleet Registry NX-326
To boldly go where no man has gone before.

USS Hathaway[Bearbeiten]

USS Hathaway
Constellation classStarfleet registry NCC-2593
Copernicus-Flottenwerft, Luna
Built by Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems
United Federation of Planets
"… no matter where you go, there you are."

USS Odyssey[Bearbeiten]

Schiff Klasse Werft Sektor Motto
USS Odyssey (NCC-71832) Galaxy Utopia Planitia Sol "It's origin and purpose, still a total mystery"

USS Pasteur[Bearbeiten]

USS Pasteur
Olympic classStarfleet registry NCC-59928
Marin County Starfleet Yards, Skywalker Division
United Federation of Planets
Starfleet Command Engineering Div. Tactical Sys. Fleet Ops Advanced Tech.
"I swear by Apollo the healer, by Aescapulapius, by Health and all the powers of healing…"

USS Phoenix[Bearbeiten]

USS Phoenix
Nebula classStarfleet registry NCC-65420
40 Eridani A Starfleet Construction Yards, Yoyodyne Division
Commissioned Stardate 40250.5
United Federation of Planets
Starfleet Command, Sol Sector
"No matter where you go, there you are."

USS Prometheus (NCC-71201)[Bearbeiten]

USS Prometheus
Starfleet registry NCC-71201
40 Eridani A Starfleet Yards
Yoyodyne Division
United Federation of Planets
"Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't."

USS Prometheus (NX-59650)[Bearbeiten]

USS Prometheus (NX-74913)
Starfleet registry NX-74913 - First starship of her class
Launched Stardate 50749.5Beta Antares Ship Yards
Antares-SektorUnited Federation of Planets
Starfleet Command Fleet Ops Research & Dev. Science Ops Tactical Ops Yard Engineers

Chief of Staff

"All the World's a stage and all the men and women merely players, they have their exits and entrances and one man in his life plays many parts, his act being seven stages..." -- William Shakespeare

USS Raven[Bearbeiten]

Widmungsplakette der USS Raven.
The Raven

USS Relativity[Bearbeiten]

Widmungsplakette der USS Relativity.
USS Relativity
Temporal Integrity Commission
"The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen all at once." - E.M. Rauch

USS Sao Paulo[Bearbeiten]

Widmungsplakette der USS Sao Paulo.
USS Sao Paulo
Starfleet registry NCC-75633 - Defiant class
Named for the people of Brazil
Launched Stardate 52889.3Utopia Planitia
Sol SectorUnited Federation of Planets
Starfleet Command Fleet Ops Research & Dev. Science Ops Tactical Ops Yard Engineers

Chief of Staff

"Give me Liberty or give me death…" -- Patrick Henry

USS Saratoga[Bearbeiten]

Die Widmungsplakette der USS Saratoga zeigt fünf Spalten von Namen. (DS9: Der Abgesandte, Teil I)

USS Shenzou[Bearbeiten]

San Francisco
Fleet Yards
United Federation
of Planets
U.S.S. Shenzhou
Starfleet registry NCC-1227
Starfleet Command: A. Kurtzman, G. Berg, A. Harberts, A. Goldsman, H. Kadin, C. Sweeny, B. Fuller, J. Alexander, A. Coleite, J. Menosky, T. Sullivan, A. Baiers, N. Meyer, F. Siracusa, J. Weber, B. Kim, E. Lippoldt, K. Beyer, S. Cochran, K. Powers, Fleet Ops: O. Osunsanmi, D. Semel, K. Lafferty, J. Danton, D. Till, K. Orfanidis, J. Gayford, L. Hodgson, R. Colucci, T. Singh, K. McCord, M. Simkin, O. Sitowitz, G. Phillips, G. Hetrick, N. Page, M. Suskin, J. Zimmerman, Research and Development: A. Maranville, M. Goldstein, T. Dinucci, B. Schultz, C. Silvestri, J. Gross, R. Johnson, C. Danby, A. Trifunovic, C. Gebacz, K. Felton-Lui, C. Dowling, T. Grove, D. Biagy, K. Tchaikovsky, E. Sampson, Science Ops: T. Cherniawsky, M. Steel, G. Chown, G. Navarro, C. Hoult, D. Tiernan, G. Hemwall, L. Hodgson, R. Colucci, R. Vivian, B. Fifield, Yard Engineers: D. Stapf, K. Berg, J. McNamara, O. Neir, D. Feldheim, L. Miller, L. Metrose, K. Hall, J. Henry, Chief of Staff: R. Roddenberry, T. Roth, CNC: Gene Roddenberry
"All existing things are really one."

USS Stargazer (NCC-2893)[Bearbeiten]

Widmungsplakette der USS Stargazer.
U.S.S. Stargazer
Constellation class
Starfleet registry NCC-2893
United Federation of Planets
"To bring light into the darkness."

USS Sutherland[Bearbeiten]

USS Sutherland
Nebula classStarfleet registry NCC-72015
San-Francisco-Flottenwerft, Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems
Commissioned Stardate 44820.5
United Federation of Planets
Starfleet Command, Sol-System
"There will be an answer, let it be…"

USS Tsiolkovsky[Bearbeiten]

Widmungsplakette der USS Tsiolkovsky.
К.З. Циопковский
Oberth classStarfleet registry NCC-53911
Baikonur Cosmodrome, USSR, Erde
Commissioned Stardate 40291.7
"The Earth is the cradle of the mind but one cannot remain in the cradle forever."

Inhalt belegt durch Sekundärquelle: Reproduktion im Starlog-Magazine von Okuda, als Teil von Convention-Präsentationen. (laut en:File:Tsiolkovsky plaque.jpg)

USS Valiant[Bearbeiten]

USS Valiant
Defiant classStarfleet registry NCC-74210
Launched stardate 49456.5Antares Ship Yards
Bajor sectorUnited Federation of Planets
Starfleet Command Fleet Ops Research & Dev Science Ops Tactical Ops Yard Engineers
Chief of Staff
"We set sail on this new sea because there is new knowledge to be gained and new fights to be won." - John F. Kennedy

USS Voyager[Bearbeiten]

Die Widmungsplakette der Voyager.
USS Voyager
Starfleet registry NCC-74656 - Intrepid class
Launched Stardate 48038.5Earth Station McKinley
Sol SectorUnited Federation of Planets
"For I dipt in to the future, far as human eye could see; Saw the Visions of the World, and all the wonder that there will be…" -- Alfred Tennyson

USS Yamato[Bearbeiten]

Ship Klasse Motto
USS Yamato (NCC-71807) Galaxy "I have sworn eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man" -Thomas Jefferson